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April 3rd, 2013, 07:57 AM
Posts: 6
2 part question

1) Is it possible to add a custom field to an existing tab. For example I would like to add 2 fields on the "General" tab under opportunities. 1 field for the customers current provider and 1 field for the expiration date of their current contract so we know when to follow up for sales

2) For the generic "field1" "field2" and "field3" Can these be changed to a test field instead of a drop down field like they are now?
April 3rd, 2013, 08:44 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for asking.

What you can do is create your own custom tab and add new and existingfields as needed. So you can actually end up with a very close result to what you required. You can read here about this customization.

As for tracking the Opportunity related dates (for follow up) we recommend that you add Tasks with reminders for Opportunity (using the Pending tab).

In regards to your second point: The nature of a textual drop down field cannot be changed, however, simply remove any value from the drop down list and, you can open the Field Properties Window (right click the field label and select the option from the menu) to change any setting that forces the value to be from the drop down list. So, you'll end up with a free textual field.

Hope this helps

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