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Changing default header size.

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    Changing default header size.

    I've inserted a logo and text into my header and I've quite a bit of blank space between the header and where the report begins. Is there a way to change the default header space that CommitCRM uses?

    This is mostly an issue in our quotes as some of our quotes are 20+ pages long and the header is eating up 1/4 of the page. On a side note, if there was a way I could make the header only appear on the first page of the report I wouldn't even be worried about the header size.

    Thanks in advance.

    Re: Changing default header size.

    Wow 20+ pages long? I thought my quotes were thorough. Lol!


      Re: Changing default header size.

      The blank space between the report header and the report content is calculated based on the image size. Unfortunately there is no option to modify and customize this.
      Try to verify that there are no extra blank lines in the textual header.

      As for printing the header only on the first page of the Quote - you can achieve this by customizing the report and adding your logo directly to the Quote form.
      You can read more about it here.
      Then you should go to the 'Report' menu -> Groups and un-select the option 'Reprint group headers on subsequent pages' for Group1.

      Hope this helps


        Re: Changing default header size.

        I was hoping there was a way I could do it without having to manually add my logo/address to every quote form. But I see why you can't do it with the way it's designed.

        Thank you for the answer.

