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Two issues causing a bit of pain

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    Two issues causing a bit of pain

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondering if I could find out when the following two features will be added (I believe they are in the list).

    - Automatic refresh of ticket window: We open/close a lot of tickets. Sometimes our guys are looking at outdated windows. Causes errors and we have people asking if tickets have been closed etc when they have.

    - Email Connector - If there are CC'ed emails, add them to the ticket: This one creates quite a bit of work for us. Some tickets come in with all sorts of people cc'ed in. They all need updates on the issue, so it would really make sense for us to be able to update them all. Currently our staff have to manually add these in for each ticket. As you know, this is a slow process.

    Thanks guys ;)

    Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

    Thanks Hayden, We have these requests on file, together with many others. Unfortunately I do not have any additional information to provide at this stage. I will go ahead and add your votes to them. Thanks.



      Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

      Big +1 one on Auto refresh. We aren't using the email connector very heavily at this time, but I can see how the CC thing would be a big issue if we were.


        Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

        +1 here too for auto refresh.


          Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

          Quick Update:

          RangerMSP 5.7 was recently released and includes an Auto Refresh on Tickets Window

          The Tickets Window is now updated automatically whenever a change is made to Tickets, whether by another employee user, or via the Web Interface, Email Connector or external applications via the RangerMSP API.

          >> Read more on what's new in version 5.7.

          The Support Team


            Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

            I noticed this post is from 2011. Now it's 2013 and still no auto refresh. I think this is a major issue.


              Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

              Not sure what version you are on.... But I DO have Auto refresh, FWIW.


                Re: Two issues causing a bit of pain

                You can't configure it though I don't think... and it randomly stops refreshing sometime until you do a manual refresh.

