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Syncronise with Google Calender

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    Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

    I find it absolutely amazing that people still want to push sensitive data up to google apps fully knowing that once this is done, google OWNS the information... forever. Seriously, are people not paying attention to the fine print?!?

    How many clients are OK with you pushing up information to the cloud about their company, their systems, their infrastructure details, etc. without consent (and do they really understand what is happening)? If I were your client and I found out that you were publishing information (important/critical or not) about my business operations up to google’s cloud, firing you/your firm would be the least of the problems.

    Remember that google (who just cleared $14B in Q3 2012) doesn’t give all these cool toys, apps and gadgets away for free because they think it’s cool and fun... it’s how they collect and mine the data – YOUR data and now by the sounds of it, your clients data.

    Folks, you need to really stop a think things through more... you are the ones who are supposed to be watching and protecting the data, not exposing it.



      Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

      Ray, good post.

      Surely though, if CommitCRM syncs with GA, it would primarily sync Calendar and Tasks and maybe mail, but not all client data.
      So, in all honesty, nothing would change for GA users out there today.
      Mail would be the same, but sent via CommitCRM instead of the GA site.
      Tasks, same, and calendar the same too. Just an appointment created inCommitCRM.
      I'm with you completely about how Google owns your data, but masses of us already use it for our daily operations in support and so far, I haven't heard of any Google misuse.

      Like others have said, this Google Apps integration issue has been rumbling on for perhaps over 2 years now. Nothing seems to be happening. I recently contacted a database developer who works in Filemaker and he said that Google Apps integration is quite easy.
      Maybe he was just talking the talk, but I will pursue it with him to see what he has to offer.


        Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

        I would only use it for calendar and tasks.

        It would be nice to have the dispatch calendar on the big screen in the office. I can easily see who is doing what and when.

        That is assuming all appointments are on there.


          Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

          It's been discussed a load of times, but still no integration. Many online systems seem to sync with Google Apps easily, but CommitCRM doesn't. Whether this is due to CommitCRM not being an online system, I don't know.
          But so many have requested it and still nothing.
          I'm still looking to come back to Commit, but after so may issues with Outlook, which we don't use and absoluteley don't like, we just don't feel that the only solution is to use it as as stepping stone. It seems to weakenCommitCRM.
          That said, great people and a great product. Just the stepping stones to convert into bridges and away we go!


            Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

            Thank you for asking and for your kind words. Yes, this is something we evaluate and seriously consider. So far when compared with other requests and the complexity (e.g. time/resources) involved we've implemented other requests. Hopefully in one of our future releases we will offer a direct sync for Google Apps, one that does not require to use Outlook as a mediator for this.


              Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

              Well, please email me the minute you do and I'll get the money transferred!
              I wait in anticipation.
              Best wishes.


                Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                Wondering if there is an update to this Google Calendar sync project now that Google Calendar Sync has been discontinued?

                From Google's site: In addition to Google Sync, we’re discontinuing Google Calendar Sync on December 14, 2012 and Google Sync for Nokia S60 on January 30, 2013. We’re also ending service for SyncML, a contacts sync service used by a small number of older mobile devices on January 30, 2013.


                  Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                  We are considering it however there are no updates at this time.Thank you for asking.


                    Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                    Would love to see Google apps integration. Please add my vote.


                      Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                      This has been rolling on for quite some time now. Can't see it happening anytime soon.
                      It's a shame really as many of the other reputable helpdesk offerings have this integration.
                      I'm now working with a development company to design our own helpdesk software.
                      Even so, I will still consider CommitCRM if the GA integration ever happens. I just got tired of waiting.


                        Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                        Bright Future - this is definitely on our list however we are currently busy implementing other features that are much more popular among our users. We will be happy if you will decide to become a RangerMSP customer, however, we understand that this feature may be a top priority for you and in this case you should probably continue the development of you own helpdesk software.

                        Here another idea for you to consider - instead of spending your resources and develop an helpdesk system from scratch, use RangerMSP's API to implement this sync module and besides using it in-house offer it as a plugin for RangerMSP. Not only you will end up spending much less money than developing an entire system yourself, but also I believe that other RangerMSP users will be willing to pay you for such an integration module.

                        Hope this makes sense.


                          Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                          Hi Commit,
                          Yes, your comment does make sense.
                          However, the company that I am working with are not charging me for the development.
                          I went to them with the idea, we all sat around a rather large table and discussed it.
                          They will have the rights to sell it and own it and I will get a free copy for life of he software. All I do if provide copious quantities of feedback and feature requests and they make a button that does it.
                          So, I cannot ask them to work with the CommitCRM software.

                          All this said, I am already using version 1 and it is very good. A long way to go yet but they told me that the Google Apps integration will be pretty easy.
                          Now, my problem and why I left CommitCRM is that I spend an awful lot of time away from base and whilst out have no access toCommitCRM.
                          So, If I add a contact whilst out (and I do this a lot), it has to be entered twice and that's if I remember to do it.
                          Also, when a colleague enters a job and puts it into the CommitCRM calendar, they are having to enter it again into GA calendar.
                          We found anomalies when we used Outlook as the conduit.

                          We don't like it, we don't use it and we were not only having to pay CommitCRM to use it, but had to pay Microsoft as well. We were getting duplicates in the calendar, sometimes up to 15 times! (We know why though now thanks again to you). Also, we had formatted contact detail in GA how we liked it. Along came the Outlook sync from CommitCRM and all that changed.
                          It took us ages to get it right again.
                          Then it all went awry again.
                          Too many annoyances with this sync made us stop using it.
                          By my own admission, I didn't realise the add-ons that I had to pay for to get all of this to screw my formatting up and that's why I quit CommitCRM in the end.

                          Regarding some comments about sharing ALL client data with Google....
                          Calendar data. Neither here nor there.... nor really useful to anyone that.
                          Customer details... Well the details I store are name, phone number and address (what else?).
                          Most of which are freely available via the web anyway.
                          I'm sure that Google won't be selling my contact list to anyone soon.

                          And finally, the reason that I would go back to CommitCRM over the developers I am working with...
                          The support. It is very good. I like the functionality of the product and it is working right now.
                          The system I am using is in its infancy and new features are taking a long time to appear.
                          This is because they have many other products and have to give time to those as well.
                          It has it's own invoicing system built in, so doesn't have to use Quickbooks either. Another expense saved.
                          But, at this stage, it's still not as good asCommitCRM.
                          Their saving grace is that when completed, it will be a fully featured product with everything built in from day one. No add-ons to buy and the ability to sync with Quickbooks if required, Freshbooks, and Google Apps (all).
                          They're also talking to Nimble about syncing with their product.

                          Still, at this current time, I prefer the look ad feel ofCommitCRM. You must be doing something right there. :-)


                            Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                            Thanks for your feedback and kind words :-) Let us know how things progress.


                              Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                              Personally, I think Outlook, Office365 and the free Outlook.Com is superior in every way to Google Apps. Unknown to most is that you can register your domain for free at , and set your corporate MX record there and have Exchange and OWA functionality for free. Maybe its time to revisit the rich client interface of the, free Skydrive file space, share and sync OneNote online workbooks, and the feature rich free Work, Excel and Powerpoint online documents..... Why settle for something less?
                              By the way, have a look at Bing! I switched six weeks ago and haven't looked back. Once in a while I have to use Google to find reference to some obsecure technical puzzle but other than that I Bing! it. Sign up for rewards, and in six weeks I earned enough points for 1 month free X-Box Live subscription. If getting paid to use Bing! isn't enough, I don't know what is but the Bing! desktop sync surprises me every morning with a new brilliant desktop that's simply breath taking. I suppose some people want to look at a blank white screen when they go to, but the Office/Bing combination is working great for me! Make the switch and enjoy a full featured product thats intuitive and works with CommitCRM and everything else that sync's with Outlook natively instead of trying to working around all the time for a "lesser than" product. Worth mentioning is Skype voice/video chat is fully integrated as well. Google apps are boring and when you can show the compare / contrast to your client and they can see how much nicer it is, you will have a juicy migration contract to upgrade them to a better product. (IMHO) Enjoy!

