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Right (best) usage of CommitCRM.

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    Right (best) usage of CommitCRM.

    Hi Commit,

    I have used your software for some years and also selling it to some of my customers (please solve the 0500- issue, so we don't update each others CommitCRM Tickets)

    Still after years of CommitCRM use, I am still unsure if I actually am using the software the best way it is meant.

    Example of an ordinary situation:

    Customer write email to our public mail address, Customer want prices on 3 products.

    - Ticket gets auto-created. (Should I use the Quote option at this point?)
    - I create a word document with prices on the 3 products in the ticket docs.
    - I save the document as PDF and e-mail the PDF into the ticket.
    - Customer accept prices and I create 3 lines under ticket-charges and then bill the customer.

    I was wondering if I could do the same thing, but without having to create a Word document and still email the customer a PDF with prices (or even have the prices directly in an email)

    What can you suggest ?

    Re: Right (best) usage of RangerMSP.

    The Quotes module was designed for exactly that. When a Ticket comes in and you want to create a new Quote is to click More Actions (in the Tickets window) and then select New Quote for Ticket (available since RangerMSP 6.2). Then once you have filled in the relevant details in the Quote window you can click the Email button to send the Quote as a PDF to your customer.

    You can also convert a Quote to Charges that will appear under the original Ticket.

    Also if you use the Web Interface module your customer can log-in and view (and print) the Quotes there and even accept a Quote online.

    Read more about Quotes on our wiki here.


      Re: Right (best) usage of Commit.

      I can see the point about the Quotes.

      But I am having problems with the TO: field in the generated e-mail, because CommitCRM puts the customers e-mail address in instead of our public mail address.
      Then we lose track of correspondance/history and it will be impossible for others to handle any answers from that customer about the quote.


        Re: Right (best) usage of RangerMSP.

        Aha, interesting point. We'll see how we can streamline this, in the mean indeed email it to your public email address so it will be sent to the customer as well as nicely filed under the ticket.

