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June 16th, 2015, 02:11 AM
Posts: 12
Hi there,

We are using the latest version of CommitCRM 8.
For the most part clients will send an email to our help desk address and the email connector will pick that up, create a ticket in CommitCRM and send us a notification email like this:

To: CommitCRM Help Address
Subject: Slow Computer
Body: Please call me my computers broken
and that's it. Without the users email signature or them identifying themselves in the email we often don't know who is in need of help unless we open CommitCRM and look up the senders email address. Quite often we don't open CommitCRM right away as we may be on the road.

In future versions would it be possible to make the pop connector add the clients full email address to the ticket as an option? So the above request would look more like.

To: CommitCRM Help Address
Subject: Slow Computer
Body: Please call me my computers broken
(sent from jsmith@contoso.com)

That would be the biggest help if we could do that.
June 16th, 2015, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this. Your suggestion is noted.

Currently customer emails being forwarded to employees by the Email Connector are forwarded from your Public Email Address (usually support@...). In addition the original customer 'Sender Name' is also included, in case the customer original email message included it. For example:
From: John Smith <support@yourdomain.com>.

When using RangerMSP Alerts Server, you may also get another notification about new ticket with all of the ticket details, including customer name.

Hope this helps.

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