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August 21st, 2008, 08:39 AM
Posts: 43
I know html inside out, is there a way for me to edit the web interface look & feel?
it just feels a lot better when i see a good looking interface (no offense) but i am very picky with interfaces.
August 21st, 2008, 11:52 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

The web interface is based on html templates, and basically it provides a flexible environment which allows customization. As we release new versions several times a year with plenty of updates and enhancements to the web interface module, at this stage we prefer to try and perform any customizations our selves (when requested by customers), to avoid conflicts when upgrading to a new web interface version. We may encourage users to customize their own templates sometime in the future (like the existing ability found in RangerMSP client where you can add new tabs, design them, design report, add new data fields and highly customize the system to your needs).

In any case, I'm not sure you are currently using our latest Web Interface version, which was released with RangerMSP version 4.4. The latest web interface version was enhanced to include many new options, and an enhanced Look & Feel. As I do not think you are currently using this version, I suggest that you have a look at it by installing a trial system on a separate PC, or by upgrading your system.


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