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January 29th, 2016, 06:58 AM
Posts: 8

We want to integrate CommitCRM functionalities with our other softwares using the Web API.
We are currently on version, and we configured the Server as
explained here.
We now have something listening on port 4964, but we cannot connect to
http://localhost:4964 using a web browser, and using telnet, we have a
connection refused.
We checked the server and disabled any firewall or anti-virus.
The CommitCRM Web interface is working great on port 4961 though.
Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem?

Also is there a documentation of the web api and how to use it? The only
APIs I found are for C++, C# or VB
January 29th, 2016, 07:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You connect to the Web API using the standard C#, VB.NET or C++ API libraries, the only difference is that you set it to connect over the Web, unlike to run locally.
The Web API is implemented by the RangerMSP Server service, verify that you have it installed and that it is up and running.
Besides, you should not expect to use the Web API or connect to it using a Browser so this explains why localhost attempts do not work.

Hope this helps.

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