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February 14th, 2016, 11:58 AM
Posts: 14
Does CommitCRM allow you to create a list of multiple Checkbox Options in order to select multiple data options for an account? For example, I have a list in ACT! CRM called ID/Status which allows me to determine what type of classification an account might be such as Agent - Direct, Customer, Vendor, Hot Lead, Referral Partner, etc. With this field, I need to be able to select multiple options from this list as they might have more than option. Is there a way to select more than one option from a data list? I need to be able to do this to import my data from Act! if I decide to buy CommitCRM.
February 15th, 2016, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Most of drop down fields also allow typing the text manually instead of selecting from the list. This should allow you to enter more options and also import the data to these fields.
In addition, you can consider using free text fields to hold such information. You can create predefined text lists for the free text field using the pop up menu.

Another more advanced, but possible better, option is to create a new custom tab and add new data fields to this tab of the 'Yes or No' type - these field will be shown as checkboxes. You can add a separate checkbox field for each type (Agent - Direct, Customer, Vendor, Hot Lead, Referral Partner, etc.).

More information about adding custom tabs and field can be found in the following articles:

Tab Management
Field Customization

Regarding importing Accounts - it may be easier to import that data to the text field or free text field in case in Act! the data is saved in a single field.
In order to export the data as checkboxes (selected or unselected) - you should transfer each value as Y( for Yes= Vendor) or N (No) in the separate column.

Hope this helps.
February 15th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Posts: 14
More options are ALWAYS better. Act! and Salesforce both support having: drop down lists, data entry fields, and lists with checkboxes so more than one option can be selected if needed. I don't like having to create multiple Fields as then there may be an additional 20 Fields and it becomes cluttered and unwieldy. However, it is sometimes necessary to be able to select more than a single option, which is why both Salesforce and Act! use checkboxes so you can choose more than one selection. If you don't do checkboxes, then the Development Team at Commit should take a serious look in adding them as an option in a future release.
February 15th, 2016, 11:27 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Custom fields do support the checkbox type, it is the Yes/No field type. In case you refer to multiple selections in one fields - thanks for your feedback!

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