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August 28th, 2008, 12:53 PM
Posts: 2
We have a Service Level Agreement that states the response/action times. These are times we respond and act either by telephone/email or by remote/onsite. I can see that there is a due date that can be entered which will flag the ticket if the due date goes past the end date but is there a way of setting a date when the ticket has been responded/actioned and the due date to monitor the responded/actioned date. This would be helpful as the ticket could be actioned within the SLA but the ticket may take days or weeks to be complete.

Many Thanks
August 28th, 2008, 02:03 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Hi Stephen,

You could set the initial due date to the "initial response time" SLA (e.g. 3 hours), so you will have tighter tracking of the ticket up to this point. Once you perform the initial response by telephone/email or other method, you can add a History Note documenting this interaction, and then update the due date to monitor the ticket until completion.

Note that you may also consider adding an ad-hoc task for the initial response, with reminders, which will pop-up to remind you if the response is late. When the reaction is performed, you can set the task as Done, which can automatically add a History Note to the ticket.



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