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September 25th, 2008, 10:56 AM
Posts: 524
I mentioned this a while back but it's becoming a big issue as we are having problems using CommitCRM to track jobs going through our systems/processes. Three items:

1) we need a manager AND an assigned tech field.... the manager is the person responsible for following up on accounts/tickets etc. and the tech is the person assigned the work. These two fields should be included in the "new ticket" window for easy assignments -- this should be a simple addition to the system and would allow shops with multiple techs (and managers) to quickly/efficiently track and follow up on tickets.

2) CommitCRM has this wonderful "status" field for tickets and the ability to modify the list which could be an INCREDIBLE workflow trigger but it has some problems -- particularly when generating invoices. In order to keep from billing work in progress there needs to be a way to sort (or include/exclude based on status) in the "Ticket Status" column in the "Charges" screen OR better yet, when prompted at the "2. Charge Selection" screen under 'Generate Quickbook Invoices -> Account', a way to include/exclude based on status. On a sub-note here, it would be great if we could edit the group memberships (open, in-service, closed) in the "custom status values" window.

3) still wishing, hoping, praying <insert additional appropriate words here> for the ability to create our own custom contract types -- we really need to be able to create blocks of time contracts that default to "billable" and standard (global) contracts that default to "non-billable" (etc.) -- again this will help us in the workflow side of things!

these items are going to be more and more important to us as we continue to hire and grow.... thanks again!

September 26th, 2008, 10:47 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi raymond, thanks, as usual, very useful feedback. All of your feedback is noted and logged, anyway, I do have some comments/tips the may help with your work flow:

1. With the release of version 4.4 we've included advanced reports filtering options. For example, you can generate a list of Tickets reports for all your customers where 'Dan' is the Account manager. This can help you assign any employee to the ticket (as the technician) while still be able to list all of the Tickets which are under the responsibility of a specific employee/manager.
Other options would be using one of the predefined drop-down custom fields (Field1, Field2 etc.) for a Ticket and build the drop down list to reflect the manager. You can then sort/filter the Ticket list based on this new 'Manager' field.

BTW, you can always assign tasks to other employees from within the ticket, and manage many different technicians working on the same ticket.

2. Yes, this item is in our development queue already. At the moment what you can do is use the main Tickets list window (or Accounts or Contracts) for the filtering and generate the invoices from there. For example, in the tickets window, filter the Tickets list to display only Tickets that were opened this week and are already resolved, etc. When the Tickets list is filtered and displays only the tickets you wish to invoice, click on the QB (QuickBooks) button to generate a QuickBooks invoice for each of these Tickets. This will trigger the invoice creation wizard per ticket.

3. This subject is not a simple task and this may become confusing for some users, as the contracts behavior will become inconsistent. For example, for a specific Block of Time contract it will set charges as Billable and the another one of the same type won't, etc. However, we do understand that it is required in some scenarios and we may provide a solution for this while keeping the system simple and easy to understand. Thanks again.


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