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October 8th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Posts: 14

We'd like to bring over the Charges - Ticket: Category field as an additional field to add to Invoice Lines Content when Creating an Invoice in QB from Charges inCommitCRM. Also as we continue to use CommitCRM and work with and receive feedback from our customers regarding our invoices, there may be other fields we identify as useful to include in invoice descriptions - without having to manually type the additional information we want to appear into the Charge Description field.
Is there currently a way to expand options for fields to include in the QB Sync Invoice Lines Content? (We see Date, Emp Name, Ticket # and Contract Code now available.) If not will you consider it for future updates?

Thank you.
Best regards,
Lisa Williams
A-1 Tech Support
October 8th, 2008, 03:40 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Lisa,

As you mentioned, you can currently add various fields automatically. Any other information you want to add to the invoice can be updated manually in description when creating the invoice, or set the charge description with the required information in advance. We see how adding more fields to the optional fields list can be helpful and we will probably add this in the future. Thanks for bringing it up.


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