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October 22nd, 2008, 04:53 PM
Posts: 2
I know that a block of money account will let you know when the money's run out...but suppose you bill for work after the work is done, and a client asks you to 'stop work when the bill reaches $3,000'...how is this best configured?

October 23rd, 2008, 06:58 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Patrick,

Using the block of money contract, each charge you create for this contract, will reduce the amount from the contract balance, and you can see the current balance status in the contract status field (e.g. "Used 500 out of $1000"). If you go over the block limit, the system will warn you, and will let you enter these charges. These charges will also update the contract balance and status. This way, you can see your current balance at all times, and check when you reach the $3000 limit (e.g. "Used 2800 out of $1000").

You can also add a comment for the contract (in the contract's description), telling employees to notice the $3000 limit, and this will be displayed whenever they select this contract for the charge.


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