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Close after X days inactivity

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    Close after X days inactivity

    I have seen this discussed before and wanted to check if there was any luck on setting a status of "waiting for customer" and have it send X number of emails to the email recipients on the ticket (one per day), saying "We haven't heard from you, please reply within Y days or else we will consider this issue resolved. You can reply back at any time to reopen the ticket".

    Re: Close after X days inactivity

    You can configure Alerts to Customers settings to automatically email the customer when the Ticket status changes to 'Waiting for Customer' and customize an Email Template with relevant content to be used for such alerts.
    As for sending additional "follow-up" emails - currently there is no such option. We have this request on our list and will add your comments.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Close after X days inactivity

      Thank you. It's the follow up emails and auto close that we are hoping to see in the future.


        Re: Close after X days inactivity

        Noted as well. Thank you.


          Re: Close after X days inactivity

          I'm boggled that this system still doesn't have an Auto Close feature. This should have been implemented years ago.


            Re: Close after X days inactivity

            Thank you for posting this. Closing tickets requires such tickets pass different validations that only a user can fix - for example - that the ticket being closed has charges logged under it, that there aren't any open pending appointments, etc. Some people also only close tickets after they got invoiced. In any case, we will review this again. Thanks!


              Re: Close after X days inactivity

              Maybe add an additional status like 'Waiting on Client' and have it allow us to set an auto close time frame. We could even have an automated email send out stating that the ticket will close in x days if we dont hear a response.


                Re: Close after X days inactivity

                Thank you for suggesting this idea. Noted.


                  Re: Close after X days inactivity

                  "Maybe add an additional status like 'Waiting on Client' and have it allow us to set an auto close time frame. We could even have an automated email send out stating that the ticket will close in x days if we dont hear a response."

                  This is similar to what we need.

                  Not necessarily have the ticket auto close (billing concerns) but to auto change the status to pending billing or anything other than open.


                    Re: Close after X days inactivity

                    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this.


                      Re: Close after X days inactivity

                      In regards to "You can configure Alerts to Customers settings to automatically email the customer when the Ticket status changes to 'Waiting for Customer' and customize an Email Template with relevant content to be used for such alerts. "

                      How does one program this specifically to alert on the status - "Waiting on Customer". That is, can the flag be set to a specific status, or is it more generic and will trigger on all status changes?

                      E.g .
                      <CMTLBLDATA_FLDTKTSTATUS> =???

                      Is there a programming guide?


                        Re: Close after X days inactivity

                        Thank you for posting this.

                        Yes, you can select the exact Ticket statuses you want customers to receive an email alert notification for under the Tools > Options > Alerts to Customers tab.

                        More information about configuring Alerts to Customer on Ticket status change can be found here.

                        Hope this helps.


                          Re: Close after X days inactivity

                          We setup 'Waiting on Customer' as a status that automatically sends an email, i just wish the ticket would auto close after 10 days.

