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Labels Report

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    Labels Report

    Can anyone steer me in the right direction? Need a report showing me how many total calls per date range categorized by the Labels.

    For example:

    Date Range xxx- xxx

    Label 1: 100
    Label 2: 250
    Label 3: 18
    Label 4: 28

    Ect. Ect.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Re: Labels Report

    Thank you for posting this.

    Summarizing and categorizing Tickets in a report by Label is unfortunately not currently supported.
    It is possible to build such a report based on the Ticket Type, Category or any other of the Ticket "standard" fields. Labels are different.

    For*example, you can use the Tickets List by Type or Tickets by Category*report. If needed, such reports can be customized.

    Besides, in the app itself you can click a label to show all tickets labeled with it, and then right click the list and launch the count-rows option. That's more work than above, but it is nevertheless a way to quickly get a count per label.

    Hope this helps.

