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data file location

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    data file location

    we have the CommitCRM9 insalled on windows 10 pro workstaion.
    the software sill working, howvwer we backed up the data and tried to transfer the software to another windows 11 pro worksaton using ( EaseUS Todo PCTrans) it worked and we added ew tickets without any problem. now it is not working anymore it is coming with a message ( widnows is seraching for Commit.CRM ) any idea how to fix this ? the software still working on the windows 10 pro but we added few tickets on the new workstation so i was wodninring if it can not be fixed on windows 11 at kease we move the data file to the old work sation, but i do not know if this possible and i do not know the data file location as well
    kidnly help
    thank you very much,

    Re: data file location

    Thank you for posting this.

    It's hard to tell what's going on here, especially with the fact that you use a VERY old version, one that isn't supported for a long time already. Please contact us directly by emailing to support @, and we'll continue from there. Thanks.

