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March 3rd, 2009, 03:21 PM
Posts: 42
Is there a way in CommitCRM to create a tiered permission structure for web users?

In Tools > Options > Web Interface I have been able to find options to enable to disable certain functionality for customers in the web interface however these options appear to apply to all customers uniformly.

It's probably best if I just explain what we are trying to do.
In some cases we have certain client web users that should have access to everything: tickets, assets, contracts, KB, etc. These accounts are setup for the controllers or owners of a company. Then we have the various employees at those companies that we would like to give access to the web interface for their own Tickets & KB only as they shouldn't see the contracts, etc. At current, I can't seem to find a way to setup web client users in this way.

I'm hoping this functionality already exists and I just can't find it, if not then this might be better classified as a feature request.


Justin Swall
March 4th, 2009, 08:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Justin,

That's true - at the moment when enabling or disabling certain functionality for customers in the web interface these options apply to all customers uniformly. Providing some kind of flexible permissions according to the specific customer or specific Web user is a good idea and I added this to the requests list. Thanks for your feedback.


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