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Charges Reports

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    Charges Reports

    Whenever I run a charges report the total at the bottom of the Units/Hours colomn is zero.

    Ho do I prevent this?


    Re: Charges Reports

    Different Charges reports display different totals.

    In general Charges reports always displays total amounts according to the report you generate - a total for each customer, a total charges for a specific service Ticket, a total amount for all charges added under a service contract, totals for the entire report etc.

    Most reports also display totals for time (hours) spent.
    Note that these totals show the total amount of time spent - not a units totals (as you cannot mix different type of units into a single total), so if you have only unit based Charges under the Account or Ticket then the total amount of hours that will be displayed is zero.

    For example - if we the following Charges were logged by your technician after visiting the customer:

    1 X Printer Toner $50 totals to $50
    2 Hours X Network Maintenance (labor) $65/hour totals to $130
    2 X Office 2007 Installation (labor) $50/unit totals to $100

    Then you should see the following totals:
    Total amount: $280
    Total Hours: 2

    Note that:
    (A) The Total Hours would be zero if no hour based Charges were logged

    (B) The "Office 2007 Installation" is a labor charge as well, however, it is priced per unit - i.e. per installation in this case, regardless of the time spent, and this is why the 2 units will not be added to the total hours (as 2 installations were charged for this - not two hours)

    You can learn more about how to define different type of Items in this article.



