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February 21st, 2010, 08:18 PM
Rob Mathews
Posts: 4
I am about to CommitCRM to commit, but am having problems importing my existing account
information from Excel.

All my data imports fine except the "Account Manager" field. I keep getting the following error anytime I have the Account manager field entered.

Record 12 Not imported
Fields with illegal values:
Account: Adrian Mathias
Operation canceled. Field: "Account Manager" has invalid data - "Sharen McConnell".

I have entered the Account Managers as Employees and they show up correctly in the drop down menu for the Acct. Mgr, so Im STUMPED!!!

February 22nd, 2010, 08:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Rob,

Thanks for posting this.
When importing accounts; the Account Manager Field cannot be used for the account manager name, since this type of data is meant for a field called Account Manager – Nickname; which is not available during account import.

If you want your import lists to specify the account manager instead of manually selecting the account manager in RangerMSP; we suggest pasting the Employee RECID into the Account Manager field from RangerMSP. The RECID for each employee is available in the Employee screen > Notes tab > Record ID button (located at the bottom of the tab).

Each line will need the RECID code for the account manager that you want to assign for the account.

If you want to quickly adjust your excel list to these parameters; we suggest using Excel Find-and-Replace all feature available with CTRL-H. This will allow you to replace each employee name with the corresponding RECID code.

Let us know if this helps.

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