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January 20th, 2010, 06:44 AM
Posts: 11
Another pain point of ours is managing all customers passwords, documentation, etc... What are you all using for this?
I know CommitCRM has the asset tab but that doesn't come close to storing all the information we always need. Examples we ahve many domain passwords, router pwds, switch passwords, wireless keys, ip addresses, multiple users for same devices (ex. our SAN's typically ahve a storage manager, and general user wach with different levels of access) We have all the avail WAN IP's listed with what is taken, etc... the problem is all the password mgmt tools online are for a single internal IT person for 1 client, they don't ahve all the fields capable of handling many different clients. We currently have built our own which as worked well for years but now its time to either refresh the software or find something else.
Would be nice to find something that can also handle multiple sites per customer, ability to upload documentation, Visio diagrams (able to view in software without opening other software), etc...
January 21st, 2010, 12:33 AM
Posts: 13
We have a similar problem. We are updating our SBS server to SBS 2008 soon as was planing on using SharePoint to create a support portal with passwords. Links to logs and forums etc.
January 21st, 2010, 07:19 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Guys,

Thanks for posting the feedback.
I’ve passed these comments to the product manager to see if we can build on this.

For now, we suggest using Password Protected Word/Excel files to store the sensitive data in them, and then import these files into RangerMSP as Asset documents so that the documents will be easy to locate under a specific asset or the linked account.

Once the files are imported in the RangerMSP database, the files can also be Downloaded and Uploaded from the RangerMSP Web Interface, so that you can update your sensitive files from anywhere with a simple internet connection.

This way you can have all the non sensitive data placed in the RangerMSP database, while the sensitive data isn’t more than a few clicks away.

Hope this helps.

January 21st, 2010, 08:53 AM
Posts: 11
We had considered this but the problem is that CommitCRM can't control the detail level user access we would need. For example, we may have some account managers or senior engineers that need to see all passwords, yet interns or level 1 techs only need to see workstation level passwords, not domain admin/router/vpn.
also if the excel fiels are password protected, then that means its still 1 single password all employees have to know versus a system where each user has thier own access to the passwords (for auditing purposes since this is critical info) so if an employee leaves, we don't have to goto every excel file for hundreds of clients to manually change. It would not be a big deal if we only had 25 clients but the number and complexity requires a great deal more than you mention. Also we have moved away from the CommitCRM web interface at the moment b/c of the lack of usability and lack of features compared with the main product.
January 26th, 2010, 06:56 PM
Posts: 42
This will do what you need.
We did a demo and it while it isn't designed strictly for what we do it handles it nicely.
January 27th, 2010, 12:28 PM
Posts: 11
WTB, i can't find anywhere int he features, video or website, where it can differentiate passwords based on having many different clients, as stated above, this seems to be for an internal IT person who only has thier single passwords to manage, not 100's of separate clients.
January 27th, 2010, 09:05 PM
Posts: 42
It was designed for an enterprise environment with hundreds of resources. It has grouping features that let you put resources into groups. When we looked at it we had the idea of storing each client as a separate group.

We decided against it and started using Zenith's password vault instead. It did most of what we needed but it only handles the Active Directory accounts.
February 4th, 2010, 09:10 AM
Posts: 13
Check out Secret Server.

We've used it, and are VERY happy with it.

We can store passwords, config files, pcf files, etc. and the engineers only have rights to their own customers, so if they are terminated, we don't have to worry about them taking all of our confidential information. We just need to update the credentials for the customers of the terminated employee.
June 16th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Posts: 12
TechLink Pro by OSM4.com is a fantastic product for keeping track of passwords and all site info. It has access permissions for techs and clients. It has a free trial too.


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