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July 17th, 2010, 07:05 AM
Posts: 19
We've enabled the Email connector to process client emails, but noticed old emails (more than 1 year old) are now popping up into our support@domain.com mailbox, going back a year. We know it's trying to process because we are getting the expected ERR emails regarding multiple accounts with the same email address (something we need to fix at our end).

I've tested with a known good account (only instance of an email address) but I don't know if it working. Likely because it's way back in the queue.

Where is CommitCRM pulling these old emails from?
Is there a log and queue somewhere that we could purge?
July 17th, 2010, 08:37 AM
Posts: 19
i tracked the folder, QSysEEInbox, and moved the old messages out. That seems to have things rolling again.

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