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July 19th, 2010, 12:35 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Starting with RangerMSP version 5.4, the Account 'Popup' feature has been significantly enhanced. Following user requests, the popup message for Accounts is now displayed whenever manually selecting the Account in any window, such as when selecting the Account for a Charge, Ticket, Contract, etc. It is also displayed when using the QuickBooks Invoice Creation Wizard if the related Account has a Popup defined.

For users who are not familiar with the popup feature - the Account's 'Popup' field lets you define a popup message, which will be displayed when attempting to use this Account. This feature is helpful if you want to be reminded about money issues or any other matter with a customer whenever viewing their details.

The popup message has also been converted to a memo-type field in this version, letting you enter a more meaningful message. You can enter as much text as you need, add space lines and format the textual message much better now.

If the Popup message feature has been disabled, you can easily activate it in Tools > Options > Accounts > "Show me account popup alerts when I manually select accounts or scroll the Accounts list and details".

>> Read more about what's new in version 5.4.

The RangerMSP Team

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