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Report design: % of tickets created by new accounts

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    Report design: % of tickets created by new accounts

    I'm trying to create a ticket that shows a given date range of tickets and shows what percentage of those tickets were created by new accounts.

    I guess a new account could be defined as any account that was created within that same date range... It would be cool to list it by month and show how many tickets were created that month by new accounts throughout the entire year and then show the average, etc...

    Anyway, is there any native reports that could conceivably compile any data even CLOSE to this? any ideas? anyone?

    (I can hear it now... ODBC & MS Access & 20 hours of report writing with Access) :/


    Re: Report design: % of tickets created by new accounts

    Luke, I guess you already know all answers :-)

    Go with direct, ready only, access to the database with ODBC to Access, or any other reporting tool. You should query a single table, called "Tickets" and you're done (probably in much less time than you mentioned).



      Re: Report design: % of tickets created by new accounts

      Ok, ok... I've got an idea...

      I work on computers. All day long I fix peoples stupid (or not stupid) issues. I pull my hair out figuring out obscure problems that all the guys @ Redmond couldn't even forsee. At the end of the day, I just want to come back to my workstation and see if I'm making any money doing what I'm doing.

      I don't want to have to spend my evenings reinventing the wheel to run my own business.

      Here's my suggestion... If we are going to be stuck with a report designer and reporting engine that fundamentally doesn't do what report designers and reporting engines are supposed to do (mine business data) then how about you guys provide some good Access and Excel templates that give people at least a spring board to acheive whatever it is they may want to find out (graphs included - ohhh I love graphs).

      Does that make sense? With the number of times I've seen "whip out the odbc" on this forum, I think this would be a huge asset to, not just me, but a lot of guys on here. Plus, it would help to fill in for the missing scalability in the product.

      What do you think?

      My predictive text is saying: "Thanks for the feedback, we'll ad your vote to the list"

      Anyway, thanks for adding my vote! :)


        Re: Report design: % of tickets created by new accounts

        Your vote was added :-)

        Seriously speaking, Our database is open and with ODBC you can access it from almost any third party tool and design almost any advanced report you like. It may be easy or complex depending on the tool you select to work with. We currently do not recommend any tool, Access may do the job and is probably part of your Office so you could give it a try.


