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October 29th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Posts: 32
Hello Everybody,

I am just interested in what alternate revenue sources you guys use? Apart from our Core Services, we also have a lot of alternate revenue sources like:
Network Monitoring
Managed Printers
Energy Audits
Managed Backup (Monitor backup status, online backup, subscription backup software)
Web Hosting
Audio / Visual
Security Cameras

I also used to run a computer repair shop and I had lots of ideas for other alternate revenue source that unfortunately I will not be able to implement. Things like:
Consumer orientated cloud services
Media services (photo / video work, dvd conversion, etc)
Computer maintenance reminder (little piece of software that alerts clients when they need new a/v software or updates. you could also include a remote support option in there.)

Do you guys use any other source for alternative revenue?

Brad Kendall

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