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New Customers

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    New Customers

    To all,

    We have customers which we get by referrals
    But we feel like we should expand.
    I wonder if there is any other effective way to attract and get new customers
    Thank you


    Re: New Customers

    Hi Yaredo,

    Apart from referrals, do you use any type of market advertising? If not then there are plenty of ideas for marketing on the web. Newsletters for instance are a good way to retain customers along with good service of course.



      Re: New Customers

      Hi Jeff,

      Thanks for the reply.

      We dont use marketing since we are not sure which one is effective and the referral worked very fine until now.

      Google ads? TV?



        Re: New Customers

        Tv isnt a good idea unless you are planning to spend a ton. Frequency is king with that medium.


          Re: New Customers

          Google ads is good and cheap, also I just went around the local area with 500 postcard size ads and putting them in letterboxes that increased my customers.


            Re: New Customers

            Word of mouth is king. The next best is cold calling. You need to be OK with doing this though. It can lead to much business. Drop me your email and I can give you some more info. I only cold call and get referrals by word of mouth. Dropped all my advertising.


              Re: New Customers

              Read this actually. Sums up what I was trying to say



                Re: New Customers

                Anyone have any experience buying lists?


                  Re: New Customers

                  Our referral program works like this. Customer receives a 'thank you' letter in the mail with 3-5 business sized referral cards. These cards state they are good for a free $50.00 diagnostics on a computer. When someone brings one in, we waive the $50 diagnostics fee and get to work. Since the card has a place for who gave out the card, we send them a $10 check for referring the new customer.

                  On a side note, our customers have started using the $50 diagnostic cards as $50 coupons. I let it go the first time, but remind them that is not what they are for. Everyone's happy. Our most used service is 'Virus / Spyware Removal' we charge $175 flat rate.

