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April 18th, 2012, 04:32 AM
Posts: 9
We really like the new Ticket Preview, Account Preview, Asset Preview and other Preview screens.

Please consider adding functionality to print those preview screens. They contain a very valuable summary of the related data elements. A fair amount of work has obviously gone into creating the preview screens. They appear to be rich text/html/xml output within the app, and if so, may already be print-ready as displayed.

There are no reports or other print functions in CommitCRM which produce the same results (without running 4 or 5 different print reports).

Thank you for considering this.
April 18th, 2012, 06:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi sctelcom,

Printing the Preview screens is an interesting suggestion. Thank you for bringing it up, I've forwarded it to the dev team for consideration.

In the meantime, I can suggest two options:

1. Copy the contents of the preview (use right-click > Select All and then Copy) and paste it into a Word document. You can then print this from Word.

2.Try using the Expanded Ticket Details report, which pretty much provides you with the same information, in a slightly different layout. You can also customize this report to better fit the desired layout.

I hope this helps and thanks for the suggestion,

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