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Contract statuses

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    Contract statuses

    RangerMSP User Question*

    Is it possible to add another status to the list of option already provided (active, suspended, cancelled and completed). I would like to add two different options, because none of the options given fit the context of how we are using Contracts. We use Contracts to track Warranty and Maintenance Contracts. Is there a way to add another entry to the drop down menu of statuses in Contracts?

    * Question received by email and shared here for the benefit of our users.

    Re: Contract statuses


    The list of Contract statuses is closed and new values cannot be added to it.

    Please note that the Contract status should not be used to define the Contract type but rather indicates whether the Contract is active or not.

    We recommend that you'll use another field to keep track of your types of Contracts (e.g. Warranty/Maintenance) - whether by using dedicated predefined system fields under the Contract where you can manage their drop down list (e.g. Field1, Field2, etc.) or maybe you consider including the 'type' info as part of the Contract Name so it will be visible when viewing and selecting the Contract from the list.

    Hope this helps.

