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November 4th, 2010, 08:34 AM
Posts: 33

Sometime a user would submitt a new ticket but forget to 'CC' to other user in the group who are also in our CommitCRM system. This way person A would get the auto-generated ticket but other users doesn't get it. So, other users would sometime submit a same ticket afterward not realizing a ticket was already generated and we end up having multiple ticket with same issue. Is there a way we can setup in CommitCRM so that it will always auto-reply to all users if one of them forget to 'CC' them in the email?

Thank You,
November 4th, 2010, 09:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Auto-Replies to customers, that send an email which have been automatically converted into service tickets, are sent to the original sender. You cannot have the system email the new ticket notification to all contacts you have in the database for this customer (I think that in some cases such a behavior would be very annoying, especially for larger customers with lots of contacts).

November 4th, 2010, 09:49 AM
Posts: 33
Hi Dina,

What I meant is that the people that we add in our CommitCRM are suppose to get these auto-reply because of the setup we worked with them. This way they will all be aware of this issue. Then we can manually add additional person if we need to but just those are required to get these notification otherwise we end up getting duplicate ticket and others will be unaware of the situation. So, I was thinking if there is a way to make a standard for each customer group so that these people will default get the notification and others we will add them if we need to get them invlove. This would be ideal way to stay in touch with the right people who can help us manage the situation and get it done efficently.

Thank You,
November 4th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
OK, I think I got it now - you want to mark default External Recipients for each Account, and then add, whenever needed, others. Well, it's not available but I'm going to log it as a request. Thanks.


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