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January 13th, 2017, 02:33 AM
Posts: 50
We use CommitCRM & Quickbooks Premier. Is anyone managing equipment that they rent out in either of these and if so could you please share how you do it.
Generally we buy inm equipment and then rent it out on a monthly basis over a 1,2,3 or 5 year period. The rental will also include the services to manage & maintain the equipment.
Thank you in advance
January 13th, 2017, 07:04 AM
Posts: 942
We create an asset in Quickbooks for the device (and depreciate that over time).

Then create a charge item for your "HaaS" item and add it to a monthly contract. (assuming you invoice monthly).

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to tell CommitCRM to "stop billing for this after 5 year contract is up. You may want to create a custom field for "agreement expiration" so that you can monitor that independently of the CommitCRM contract length.

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