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Email Connector Issues

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    Email Connector Issues

    When we enter at the begining of the subject and send to our support address, the ticket is assigned to the correct account.

    The issue we have is that we recieve an NDR along the lines of:

    Undeliverable: RE: couldn't be delivered
    unknown address.

    Is anyone else experiencing this and have you found a fix?


    Re: Email Connector Issues

    We are experiencing the identical same thing as well.


      Re: Email Connector Issues

      Thank you for reporting this.

      We couldn't haven reproduced it (so far), though there might be something wrong her under a specific use case. It seems like in a specific scenario the 'fictive' internal email address (zxc123FctCmtUsrDmnbnm456@) is added as a Ticket Recipient and as a result auto-response and other emails may be sent to this email address.

      Please look under the Ticket Email Recipients tab and let us know whether this is the case.

      Please also let us know how this domain name is saved - either by the Account or Contact. This may help us to understand this scenario.



        Re: Email Connector Issues

        Adding to the above - Please zip the \Logs folder and share it with us. We'll review it in our lab and may find more clues. Thanks.


          Re: Email Connector Issues

          I can confirm that under the External Recipients tab the exists

          We generally save the domain name under the Email 2 field of the account. If there are multiple external domain names we then add them as a contact


            Re: Email Connector Issues

            Thanks for confirming.

            This email address - zxc123....@ cryptic email address isn't a real address, such addresses might be in use behind the scenes, but shouldn't get listed as a Ticket Recipient, the app tries to eliminate technical and 'cryptic' addresses from getting added automatically.

            From our testing so far, we suspect that it happens, i.e. that address automatically added, when the domain is saved under the main Account as Email1 or Email2 (as you described) and there is no other email address for the main Account. Please try to save a valid email address under the customer Account record, remove/delete this cryptic one, and see how it goes. In any case, we'll see how to prevent this from happening again.



              Re: Email Connector Issues

              Hi Support

              Any update on a fix for this one? This still occurs on most of our clients


                Re: Email Connector Issues

                Thank you for the update.

                The fix will be included in the next release that is already at the final testing stage.

                As a temporary workaround, you can use the following in order to avoid adding such cryptic email addresses as Ticket Recipients:

                Edit <installation-folder>\Server\CmtEmailConnector.ini file and add the following section to the end of the file:


                Then RESTART the 'CRM Server' Windows service on your server.

                Please note that it will affect newly created Tickets. For existing Tickets you should delete this email address under the Ticket Recipients tab.

                Hope this helps!

