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August 16th, 2021, 11:48 AM
Posts: 35
Looking to figure out the best way to keep track of assets for MSP programs. For instance, an account is opened with a SAS service under my company, so I create an asset for it. Now, I want to add X client's account. I can create a new sub-asset under this asset, but when I choose their account, it is then assigned to them, not visible under sub-assets. With my logic, it seems I would create a sub-asset for the client under the asset I created for my account, to keep them together. But, it looks like my logic is not holding up. What I see in my mind is a list of all the clients assets linked to my Parent asset listed under sub-assets in my account. The best I can tell, I would use the Notes or Description section to type in their names but that would make it hard to list and to search, so it does not sound right to me. Or maybe I assign the sub-asset to my account and use the Asset Name to type in their Account Name. I most certainly understand that I may not have the logic of Assets clear in my understanding, but that is why I am writing, to get some clarification on how best to record these accounts and keep track of them for reporting and reference.
August 16th, 2021, 01:22 PM
Posts: 35
Looks to be linked now - the sub-asset to the customer is linked to the parent account where I have the MSP account setup. I figured it would be there immediately, but it did not seem so at the time. Maybe I just wasn't looking correctly, but it is there now. So thank you.
August 17th, 2021, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for posting this and great that it ended up working for you.

Just to clarify and add a little on this - both - the main/parent Asset and the sub-asset/s are listed under the Account Assets tab.

In case the Assets tab is not refreshed after adding a new Asset, you can click the 'Refresh' button at the bottom.

Please also note that by default, only active Assets are listed under the tab. In case the Asset was accidentally set as inactive, you should change the status filter at the tab bottom to include inactive Assets.

Hope this helps!

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