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Custom Reports

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    Custom Reports

    Dear support, i am using the Tickets -> Technician Service Form Including Asset Details template. In the report, i need to include the mailing/shipping address of the Account. i used the label [Tickets - Account: Full Address] [code is LKUPSTRCARDIDAddressSummary] but it does not display the address. May i know which is the correct label to use? alternatively, could you advise where to find the [LKUPSTRCARDIDAddressSummary] label so that i can enter in the information. Thanks and appreciate your reply!


    Re: Custom Reports

    Thank you for asking. The strange thing here is that the system report, the one you started from before applying your customizations includes this field and shows the content. So the first thing you should try is to generate this system report and verify that you indeed see this address printed, as expected. If so, copy the system report to another customized report (so you can see its structure) and try to compare this field in the copied system report, to the one you have (or do not have) in the your original customized report.

    Also note that the address that is printed is either calculated for the Account based on its address fields - or - a custom address set for the account (that may be blank) set by clicking the envelop button left to the address fields.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Custom Reports

      Hey there, i managed to get it loaded. I copied the field from the original report and it works! weird that it could not work when i create a new database field. Anyway, what's most important is that it works now. Thanks for your help!

