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Creating Quotes

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    Creating Quotes

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondering if there is an easier way to create quotes than having to create new line items. It takes a long time to create a quote when I have to create each individual line item. I normally use Quickbooks and just enter what I need into each line without all of the specific details.

    The problem is that we rarely need to use these line items again as each quote is different from the previous quotes.

    Re: Creating Quotes

    Thank you for posting. The importance of using Items is that these are used when the Quote is converted into Charges, or a Contract, or is invoiced to QuickBooks. What happens is that the item is used automatically streamlining the entire work flow. It also helps distinguishing service related items, aka Labor, and product based ones. These ave impact on contracts and how things may be taxed in QuickBooks, depending on the Item settings there. You may try simply using 3 different items one for Labor another for any Product/part and the third for expenses. Use these when quoting and adjust the line text however needed.
    Besides, you can also create a few "template" quotes under your business account. Then, next time you need to quote something similar - simply copy the "template" quote to save plenty of time creating a new one from scratch. You can actually copy and previous quote you have ever created, not just the "template" ones.

    Hope this helps.

