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September 6th, 2018, 05:01 AM
Posts: 1
Ive got the CommitAPI and I am trying to retrieve data from my local copy of CommitCRM.
Ive got a sample query which gets the the Contact Name from the Account section and shows it in a console window. I am using C# to do this.
However when I run the console app i get the following error
"Status 2000: General Error Occurred FAILURE" "Result Message:"

here is the code i am using, CommitCRM is installed in in a folder called "DATA" as shown below and the Db Folder is called "Db" and not "db" as in the API Wiki.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

CommitCRM.Config config = new CommitCRM.Config();
config.AppName = "C# Demo";
config.CommitDllFolder = "C:\\DATA\\CommitCRM\\ThirdParty\\UserDev";
config.CommitDbFolder = "C:\\DATA\\CommitCRM\\Db";

CommitCRM.ObjectQuery<CommitCRM.Account> accountSearch = new CommitCRM.ObjectQuery<CommitCRM.Account>();
accountSearch.AddCriteria(CommitCRM.Account.Fields .Contact, CommitCRM.OperatorEnum.opEqual, "Aisha");
List<CommitCRM.Account> accounts = accountSearch.FetchObjects();

foreach (CommitCRM.Account account in accounts)
September 6th, 2018, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting. This is a duplicate post to the on-going email thread we have, so we've just replied there.

Hope this helps.
September 6th, 2018, 06:14 AM
Posts: 62
Hello cathalferry

If you visit this URL https://dentaur.com.au/it-solutions/...tcrm/download/
you will find a Free Trial Windows Service you can download, that comes with a demo client.
The demo client will allow you to retrieve the data you need.
The C# code for the demo client can be downloaded here.

If you would like to access other parts of your CommitCRM database with our SOAP Server then a subscription will be required.

Kind Regards

Andrew Dent
Dentaur Pty Ltd

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