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August 17th, 2010, 10:14 AM
Posts: 1
is there an export/import (that I'm missing) that will quickly export the Memorized Transaction list i've created in QB that give me the reminders for billing? I'd like it to go to the contracts for the customer so that one way or another we do not miss either the task that needs to be completed, or billing them for the work.

Thanks for any and all help!
August 17th, 2010, 01:52 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Doreen,

The Memorized Transaction list cannot be imported from QuickBooks.
In order to get reminders for Contracts you should probably use the Pending tab of the Contract and select to add new Task/s. To each Task you can add up to two popup reminders.

Besides, you can also see the open balances that needs to get charged by opening File > New > QuickBooks invoice. A Window opens and you can use it to display open balances (i.e. Billable Charges that haven't been "used"/"Billed" yet) at the Customer (Account), Contract and Ticket levels.

I hope this helps.

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