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June 21st, 2016, 03:00 PM
Posts: 18
Whats the best way to attach pictures and documents and pictures? I'm currently just dragging things around and attaching them to the individual assets and tickets when I've manually put them in the right folders. Also is there any easy way for me to attach/import pictures from a mobile device?

June 22nd, 2016, 05:58 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this. Dragging the photos/documents/pictures/etc. and dropping them on the Ticket/Asset/Account/etc. record in RangerMSP is indeed the easiest way to attach any external file. Depending on the Folder Settings defined under Tools > Options > Documents tab you may need to manually select the path and filename for each file, though the common setting is to save all files for the Account under the same folder.

Please also note that when you drag/drop a file into RangerMSP in the New Document Window that pops you have two options. The first is 'Link to file' - this will keep the file in its folder and RangerMSP will point there - however - you can change and use the 'Copy file' option - in this case RangerMSP will copy the file to under the Account's default folder and the benefit is that you do NOT need to pre-save the file into the correct folder.

As for attaching pictures from a mobile device - when using Web Interface, you can upload the image/file as a document and link it to the Account/Ticket/Asset, or - if the mobile device is connected to your PC and its storage space is accessible (like with Android devices), simply drag the files/photos/etc. directly from the mobile storage folder and into RangerMSP and select the 'Copy file' option for the file to be copied automatically from your mobile device and into the relevant store folder.

Hope this helps.

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