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October 29th, 2012, 10:13 AM
Posts: 524
can we move the contract drop down box back up into the section where all the other detauks are (in the general tab). People over here are constantly having problems finding and more imporantly, are not seeing this box all by itself at the very bottom -- it needs to go back up above the description (where is was before).


October 29th, 2012, 11:32 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
This cannot be modified as you are referring to a system tab, not a custom one where you have full control over the fields you put. The reason why it's there is to save clicks (it used to be in a separate tab where you have to click when you wanted to see the info), plus, it is now near the new Quick Charge feature and many find it useful to have the Contract info near the Quick Charge area.

Thanks for asking.
November 6th, 2012, 05:24 PM
Posts: 524
I understand that we can't change system tabs... what I'm asking is can you fix this in the next release. Yes, it's good that this has been moved to the General tab but it's located in the wrong place... on (all) other tabs where this field shows up it is in the upper section of the ticket. That's where everyone is looking for it... this is the only place where is appears at the bottom. Inconsistencies like this need to be streamlined. We need to think about the program as one big application... not a string of smaller disconnected and designed windows.

thanks --

November 7th, 2012, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thanks Ray, however, we don't see any inconsistency here. There aren't other tabs where it is listed. It's only listed in one place for editing purposes and that's it. It is displayed in preview tabs too where the data is organized for a better quick view, however, even there it is not listed at the top. Is it possible that you refer to custom tabs you added and placed it on top?
November 10th, 2012, 02:35 PM
Posts: 524
well, the other place it shows up and where it is ulta-important is in charges. In charges the contract field is listed along with all the other important fields (up top). Tickets used to have this in the same spot (albeit on the different tab) but now it's the ONLY field orphaned at the bottom... it doesn't make sense to put it at the bottom.

Saying that it's a good spot for it because it is close to the quick charge feature just doesn't make sense... new charges pick up the contract of the ticket automatically and you wouldn't (pretty much never) want to modify the contact here anyhow on a per-charge basis.

All I'm saying is that it's inconsistent and is completely out of place at the bottom of the charge description... it belongs up in the "meat" of the ticket above or below the asset field. That said, we do like that it has been moved to the general tab.

Thanks –

November 12th, 2012, 06:16 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
ray, it was located in ANOTHER folder, with the 6.0 release it is located on the SAME tab as the other fields. Previously you had to switch tab to see its content while with the new version it's located on the same tab saving you clicks to go back and forth between tabs. Anyway, we will consider this feedback. Thank you.
November 16th, 2012, 01:43 PM
Posts: 524
and we absolutely appreciate it being on the general tab!

that said, having up in the same location as where it is in charges would keep things easier to track/find... I've been using CommitCRM for so long, I always look for the contract in the same location (even when it was on the other tab).

thanks --


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