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April 18th, 2016, 06:04 PM
Posts: 19
It would be nice if you could right click anywhere and insert your Commit CRM login name and current date / time as a time stamp. (as a quick reference)

This way you could add notes anywhere and easily see who added them and wihout goingm through reports.

I understand that we could use the history notes for these kinds of audit trails however if you wanted a deep dive that's woudl be fine.

What I am looking for is a quick view.

April 18th, 2016, 06:51 PM
Posts: 1,146
We used to free type it, now we use history notes so nobody can "delete" what someone else wrote.
April 18th, 2016, 07:44 PM
Posts: 942
History notes definitely have a good purpose. But a more free text option for time/date/user stamping would be super nice as well.
April 19th, 2016, 01:29 PM
Posts: 478
Not a function of CommitCRM but we use a program called Flashpaste (www.flashpaste.com) to do this. It stores a mass amount of frequently used bits of text that we paste into different programs. That way everyone here is consistently using the same phrases when needed. Has a shared common database and private one. It's also reasonably priced and includes updates for life. We have been using it for 5+ years and I would definitely recommend it.

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