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October 24th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Posts: 46
We have been using the Detailed Account Charges by Ticket report as an attachment to our customer invoices to detail work done under MSP contracts. I like the format, but is there a way to include charge detail without associated tickets on the report? Basically charges not assigned to a ticket would appear grouped under a blank ticket.

We have weekly MSP tasks that I would to show to customers under their contracts, but I would like to avoid keeping open tickets for those items while still using the Detailed charges by Ticket report format. An example of these charges would be weekly approval and push of microsoft patches. We could open and close new tickets each month but that would be extra work and still leaves tickets open for 30 days on the account.

I am open to suggestion on the best way to pull this off.

Vernon Southmayd
Creative Computing
October 24th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Vernon,

Have you tried using "Detailed Account Charges by Contracts and Tickets" report? This report lists the charges by contract, and for each contract, it lists the charges by ticket. Charges which are not attached to a ticket will appear under an "empty ticket" group. I believe this is just what you need :-)

October 24th, 2008, 12:38 PM
Posts: 46

Thanks it does look like the data query being used is better, and all of the information seems to be there. I just need to customize it back into the portrait format of the other report. My work descriptions get too long to push over to the small left column in the landscape layout.

Thank you for the direction.

Vernon Southmayd
Creative Computing

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