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April 12th, 2011, 07:46 PM
Posts: 145
Please commit, can you give us a rough idea on time frame for this feature? we use google apps web interface and mobile devices, so no outlook is being used. we need this feature and are willing to pay for it. connectwise just release there 11.1 version which does integrate directly into google apps and the calendar. can you give us an idea on time frame, or is it simply on "the list"

i hate to beat a dead horse, but as a business we need to make a decision, and would like to stick with commit
April 13th, 2011, 06:06 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi sudogreg,

Thank you for posting this.

As I believe was mentioned in another forum thread we are actively evaluating this option. It means that we actively "play" with the Google APIs, design the way such an integration can work, etc. We're haven't started coding it yet though.
I can say that it won't make it into the coming release 5.6 as a Beta for this will soon be available and a two way calendar sync with Google Apps is a much bigger project. I can say that we're considering implementing it in a later release, maybe even 5.7. We will post back once we have more information. In the meantime you can sync with Google Apps through Outlook, even with you using Outlook. It's not ideal but it works, usually very well, and can be the solution until the integration module is released.

I hope this helps and answers your question.


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