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February 4th, 2014, 11:44 AM
Brian Roberts
Posts: 22
We loan hardware to our maintenance clients while their hardware is getting fixed. I am wondering how other companies are tracking these assets as they move in and out of customer sites?


February 4th, 2014, 03:53 PM
Posts: 524

We have a special "loaner" account set up and add all these items in there as assets. We use serialized (custom) perma-stickers and stick those on the loaned hardware -- this info gets added into the asset code field for cross reference. We then use the location and description fields to tell us where it is (which client) and the details of the situation.

If you wanted to be extra careful, set up a "loaner" ticket under the client site and enter information there (put it in a pending status state), that way you could:
1) bill for the item if that's what you do.
2) not accidentally lose a piece of hardware if someone inadvertently modifies the asset location by mistake.


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