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February 15th, 2017, 09:10 PM
Posts: 75
It would be great if in the asset page there was a way to load a few images for an asset. We use asset tiger to keep track of our tools and equipment, and one thing we love is that each asset has a few images we loaded to show exactly what it is. It would be very helpful if CommitCRM did the same, I've been told in the past to just attach the image as a doc, but that is useless for a quick reference. The idea would be to have thumbnails of the images and just click to enlarge them. This would allow a tech to see what a client is talking about when on the phone. So for an asset of a router, have an image of the router and then an overall image of the rack or closet so the tech can clearly direct the client which device they are working on.
February 16th, 2017, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you. We will take a note on your request here as well.

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