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April 17th, 2013, 07:53 AM
Posts: 35
I am tossing around some ideas to help streamline our operations without the added expense of salaries, insurance and benefits. So far I have looked in continuum. They offer helpdesk services and call center. It is a little pricey. For us it would be about $5,000 a month. That hurts. I also found another place called CMS that would be a call center and dispatching center for all call. That would route all calls and support tickets through somewhere else so our guys could work more effectively.

What do you do? We currently have customer servers and some work stations on Continuum because they allow for multiple login. Each user can have a login to machines. Now we are using Labtech for managed services for the rest of our customers but to be honest it sucks. It is complicated to use and requires a lot of scripting and baby sitting. But we turned to it because you bought the licenses and they were yours. No monthly payments. Making the best of this one.

I am rambling I know but bear with me.
July 15th, 2013, 05:57 PM
Posts: 12
I bought into Kaseya as a RMM, It was expensive to get started, the monthly maintenance expensive & lots of scripting. It does have alot of expandability. I found the monthly cost, overhead of a SQL Server and complexity too costly. I went to GFIMax. provides the basics, scriptable and basicly easy to run. No learning curve for Techs.
July 23rd, 2013, 08:06 PM
Posts: 42
We are also using Continuum. If you get the server care, many of the daily problems can be fixed by them. I use their service and was able to keep from hiring another tech. Always looking for something better but so far this works. Just waiting for CommitCRM to integrate 2-way with Continuum. Just signed up for the beta since they say it has it in 6.2!

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