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September 3rd, 2013, 10:14 AM
Posts: 55

I've been working on this for a while and looked through the forums and checked out the Report manual but cannot work this out

1) In the report I have set the Detail section (in the only group) to 'DynamicHeight'

2) The Detail section contains a DBMemo that is set to stretch (charges description)

3) When I do a print preview sometimes the Detail section will span/split onto the next page becuase of the stretched DBMemo

I want it to start the Detail section on the next page and not split them over pages

I know this is possible and have managed it in other reporting software (QuoteWerks) but just can't suss it out in Commit/Report Builder Pro

Anyone help me out/point me in the right direction please?

Many thanks!

September 3rd, 2013, 11:30 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
In case you use Groups the following may help. Trying changing the space parameter that sets when (space wise) the record will skip and start on a new page (always, probably not what you're after) and by a parameter setting (try this). Check Reports Groups for more.
September 3rd, 2013, 12:32 PM
Posts: 55
Thanks for the reply!

I am only using groups as that was how the original report I copied was 'set' - if there is another way I am more than happy to use it?

But I think it has to be groups - the report is a list of charges showing DATE, ASSIGNED TECH, CHARGES DESCRIPTION (the 'stretch' DBMemo field), HOURS, RATE, TOTAL for a certain date range

So it lists one charge after the other through the report until the end where the totals are shown in the group header

I have already had a play around with the group settings and it does odd things repeating the group header after every record...

I moved the column titles up into the group header and had the values in the group section and nothing in the details and played around but still not achieving the desired result

So in short it would seem this is no easy task...

It's just a tick box in QW's report builder along lines of 'don't allow records to span pages'

Guess it's not that easy in Commit/Report Builder Pro

Will do some more experimenting/digging around but thanks anyway for the help


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