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September 23rd, 2008, 12:32 PM
Posts: 1
It it possible to create purchase orders in CommitCRM and have them attach them to a specific ticket ? Or you create the PO in quick books and link it there when the ticket moves for billing?Thanks
September 23rd, 2008, 03:11 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can use your accounting system (e.g. QuickBooks) in order to manage your purchase orders. If you wish to link it to a ticket, you can save the purchase order to an external file, and drag-and-drop it to RangerMSP while the ticket window is open. This will automatically create a document for this file, and will link it to the ticket. This way you can keep track of outstanding POs and view the history in RangerMSP.

As for the other way around, once you create charges in RangerMSP for the purchased parts, the items which are used in the charge will affect the inventory in QuickBooks once you create the invoice for these charges.



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