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March 1st, 2008, 10:16 AM
PC MedEvac
Posts: 17
Is there a way to import multiple tickets in to quickbooks at one time?

We close 10 to 20 day and doing them one at a time end of day is bit slow.

March 3rd, 2008, 06:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
When using the QuickBooks Invoice Creation Wizard (from File > New > QuickBooks Invoice), you can choose to create the invoice in the Ticket, Contract or Account level. This allows you to use multiple Tickets for the same Account/Contract in a single Invoice.

In any case, using the wizard helps you to easily create invoices for all open Tickets. It streamlines the process and makes it quicker, as when you finish to create an Invoice for a Ticket, it goes back to the Tickets list in the wizard and you can easily select the next Ticket to Invoice. Each Ticket which was already invoiced is automatically removed from the list.

I hope this helps.


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