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May 18th, 2015, 11:06 AM
Posts: 7
I was wondering what is the average pricing for remote and onsite support ? Your feedback will be appreciated :)
May 19th, 2015, 10:43 AM
Posts: 478
Our hourly rate is $100/hour for businesses and $75/hour for residential. We don't have separate rates for onsite vs remote. The only difference is that onsite has a 1 hour minimum and includes travel time and remote is billed in 15 minute increments.

If you are talking about MSP type of programs with unlimited support. For workstations they are around $35/month for remote only and $45/month for onsite.

Hope others chime in, would be interesting to see their rates. Location would be helpful also since that can make the rates vary greatly.

We're outside Milwaukee, WI
May 20th, 2015, 06:38 PM
Posts: 188
We charge $135/hr as a standard, but offer time blocks with various discounts based on the total number of hours purchased. We only service business clients with a 1 hour minimum, billed in 15 minute increments thereafter.

As far as MSP pricing, we charge $9.95 (drops based on total number) per workstation for monitoring, automated maintenance and hosted Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware and $99.95 per server for the same basic offerings. For Unlimited remote support, we add $149 per location per month (we support clients with multiple locations, retail) or an additional $30-$60 per workstation for single location clients depending on the SLA offered. We don't offer an onsite unlimited support package.

We are in Southern California, Greater Los Angeles area.
June 3rd, 2015, 06:22 AM
Posts: 7
$115 per hour for Onsite and remote for business and residential. Onsite has a 1 hour minimum and includes a $30 destination fee. Remote is billed in 15 minute increments.
MSP rates are $25 per month for workstations and $100 for Servers. I include Spam filtering for customers with an Exchange server.
Dallas area
June 3rd, 2015, 08:45 AM
Posts: 478
@Johnny, what do you include in those MSP rates?
June 3rd, 2015, 02:39 PM
Posts: 7
ascendnet, my MSP rate includes everything IT except new capabilities. If a new server is added or upgraded, I charge a discounted hourly rate. I provide Spam filtering for up to 15 mailboxes and patch management. I have a meeting with the decision makers twice a year to discuss their current IT situation and discuss anything changes they would like to introduce.
September 9th, 2015, 01:02 PM
EBS Networks
Posts: 8
Our Unlimited (Everything IT) Monthly Network Support Contracts are per month @ 125.00 per network server, workstation, laptop, phone system or DVR reduced by 48% if 75% of workstations have vendor provided reboot and restore software. Minimum monthly contracts are $3500.00 all others are at break fix rate plus travel.

All contracted workstations must have reboot and restore software or current anti virus, servers must have anti virus and actionable file access monitoring software (to reduce damage from Encryption malware), enforced employee internet and computer usage policies, and vendor provided unattended remote access, inventory management and support request software on each workstation. All routers and modems must have switched auto reboot capable power distribution units.

Other misc. services are additional. Monitored backups, third party spam filters, etc.

Our main focus is Business Continuity.

Tampa Fl Area
September 19th, 2015, 04:57 PM
Posts: 43
Hi Tampa
That is pretty good. can you please give us few example of vendor provided reboot and restore software, also what file access monitoring software do you use or recommend.
September 19th, 2015, 07:10 PM
EBS Networks
Posts: 8
Simple Help works for us for remote support, Event Sentry works for file monitoring (Which helps with the Crypto problems), Clean Slate for reboot and restore, OCS Inventory for software and hardware inventory management, Syncrify ISP for offsite backups, and PRTG Network Monitoring using SNMP to keep up with internet connections.

We also use auto ping and reboot power switches on modems and routers to keep rolling a truck out to client sites at a minimum.

Email servers we use third party filters and relay services to keep from having too much maintenance on blacklist and bounced emails from places like yahoo, gmail and craigslist.
September 22nd, 2015, 06:43 AM
Posts: 43
That is very good, I have few more questions if you dont mind as it sound pretty interesting: 1) What kind of license do you buy for the clients? do you install it on each managed pcs and servers? 2) Clean Slate - do you install on each managed PCs? how do you convince the clients to buy the license as some client even don't want to spend to buy proper antivirus.
September 22nd, 2015, 06:58 AM
EBS Networks
Posts: 8
We own all the licensing. Clean Slate is the only licensing per PC, it's movable, they will reset your counter when asked. Simply help is per connection one time licensing. Event Sentry is I think per monitoring, as is PRTG, OCS Inventory is open source and of course anti virus is per PC or server. We use various version of anti virus. We don't even ask the client to purchase and it is a good selling point and another reason they will stay with you year after year.

Each has a different use so installed as necessary.

ROI on all this is quick because you don't have to roll a truck as often, less onsite work and more customer satisfaction as you can either prevent or solve their problems with ASAP response policy. Less to work on, more you will be able to support per staff line and more profit in your pocket along with happy long term customers.

You can call me and I will be glad to bounce ideas with you. 800-334-8018
September 22nd, 2015, 05:29 PM
Posts: 43
Thank you very much, I am going to try some of your techniques : ) Thank you for the number too, might give you a buzz.

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