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January 5th, 2016, 11:48 AM
Posts: 101
We would like to set some type of alert/flag on a ticket so when work is completed we can set a date to call and follow up on work done. What would be the best place in CommitCRM to do that? Say we want to call a customer 7 days after ticket is completed as a qc procedure.
January 5th, 2016, 12:38 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
There are several ways to achieve this, one simple way is to add a Task under the Ticket and set its due date to 7 days. Then, when the Task is due follow up with the customer. To add a Task simply select the New Task option from the Ticket Window, either under the More Actions dropdown on the toolbar, the New Task option in the Preview page or the Pending tab. Besides, you may want to use Activity Templates for Tickets and configure the one, or more, follow tasks. Then, when you apply an Activity Template to a Ticket it will automatically add all entries, for example, will add a Task and it'll calculate the Due Date automatically as per the template settings.

Hope this helps.

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