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December 8th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Posts: 942
Any word on the status of the next release? Really looking forward to the email threading stuff... :)

December 8th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
We're working 200% on the next release! Nice improvements are on their way... We plan to post more details once we have them.

- Dina
December 9th, 2009, 10:48 AM
Posts: 478
Sounds like a good time to post them :-)
December 9th, 2009, 12:05 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
December 9th, 2009, 03:52 PM
Posts: 942
...Yeah it does... That way I can make up my mind whether to switch to TigerPaw or ConnectWise this year... ;)
December 10th, 2009, 06:50 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

More information will be posted once we're closer to the release.

Thank you.
December 10th, 2009, 09:09 AM
Posts: 63
lopejoy - We just went with Connectwise (more expensive than TP, but it does WAY more, and it's also a slicker interface. I almost bought TP, but spending a day with CW demos, I'm sold).

We still love Commit, and it will have a special place in our heart, but iwe've outgrown it already. Excellent stepping stone, and we may repurpose the program for use in a side company, we'll have to see.
December 10th, 2009, 09:17 AM
Posts: 942
Yeah, that's kind of where I'm at. Hate to think about leaving Commit, but I'm constantly banging my head against the wall with it!

So you are pretty sure CW is superior to TP? ...Or did you just have a better salesman? :-)
December 16th, 2009, 07:39 PM
Posts: 43
The crazy part of all this is that CommitCRM is a really good tool and does a lot. Unfortunately, the more valuable aspects seem to get lost on small and sometime trivial things. I mean did it really help that design time went into using icons in the history window?

People have been on this thread for almost the entire two years I've been around asking for a more robust web-interface, yet there are only more promises of something coming soon.

People have been on here asking for a more serious Opportunity/Project tool but instead we're given more email functionality.

I'm not trying to put down the email stuff, but aren't there things that would add greatly to the value of the tool? I'm sure there can be a compromise in here somewhere; right?
December 17th, 2009, 11:22 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

Thanks for posting your feedback.

The new History view is much more than just icons, it lets users actually easily see what is going on with a ticket/account/etc. without having to double click on each record. The new History view also builds the blocks for a more readable display of email communication as email messages texts will be displayed without having to open a new window for each message. We've received a lot of good feedback about this feature, though, like any other feature, different users wants different things and our goal is to find the balance. As you can expect we get lots of feedback on this forum and directly by email, which we take in consideration when we decide the features for subsequent versions. Prioritizing tasks and requests from our loyal users is always tough and that we're making every effort to listen, as well as producing the features that have received a higher number of votes while taking reasonable resources to implement. For this reason, we release updated versions of RangerMSP 3-4 times each year, so that we can add much needed features without our customers needing to wait long periods of time for a specific feature. We appreciate the feedback, and we hope that we can get around to the other feature requests that are still on the list in the soonest manner as possible.

Thanks again for posting your feedback, as well as your ideas.


December 17th, 2009, 11:37 AM
Posts: 478
It would be nice to know what is on this list because many of us here have given up on asking for things.
December 17th, 2009, 01:00 PM
Posts: 43
It's not that we don't appreciate things like the changes in the history view, but it seems a far less important upgrade than people wanting the crippled web interface redone so that it more closely matches the actual client.

What about an app that runs on a mobile device without having to use Opera?

Again, we welcome the updates/changes, we just want to know where things are in the list and that the larger items aren't getting pushed back because they take more effort to put in.
December 17th, 2009, 01:11 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Hi guys,

All feedback is noted, logged and evaluated.
We build our business based on the feedback we receive, and we honestly believe that we wouldn't have gotten to where we are without listing to our users and working close with you guys.
That said, I know it can be frustrated when features you requested haven't been implemented yet...
In any case the next release is mainly around ticket email threading with some other ticket management improvements. We plan to release more info once we will be closer to the beta. Stay tuned and keep your feedback and thoughts coming.

On the mobile app topic, this would be a whole new request since this would include the need to develop multiple apps for each type of mobile app engine (Java, WM, Symbian, Iphone, Android, etc.). Once the Web Interface optimization is complete, there may not be a need for all that.

December 17th, 2009, 06:21 PM
Posts: 42
So Doron,
Since you're saying that the mobile app would be a lot of work, where, exactly are you at on the re-do, and / or mobile-friendly modification of the Web interface. It's been a while, and we paying customers would very much like to know that what we've paid for will have some value to our mobile users...
December 18th, 2009, 09:33 AM
Posts: 942
It would really be helpful to have a definitive roadmap. Like, can we expect better contract management (MSP AYCE, etc...) in the release after this one?
December 18th, 2009, 12:52 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
We plan to optimize the Web interface to be more useable on mobile devices in the future.
At this stage, we cannot provide a time frame for this. I can say that it is not included in the coming release 5.3.
As always, we post info on next releases once we're closer to beta.

I know that we plan to look into a public roadmap again; we've had one for a long time! The roadmap never was meant to be a RangerMSPment; however, it gave a good idea of what's was planned. We made a change to the roadmap based on other requests we received from the community. It made some new customers very angry as they purchased based on this roadmap... (they shouldn't have but they have). We currently do not publish one (again, we will reconsider) and purchase decisions should be based on existing features.

Thank you,
December 20th, 2009, 09:58 PM
Posts: 42
Yeah, Doron, my purchase was made on the promise of some key features and adjustments which have yet to come to pass, alas, I'm one of the angry ones. ;-)
December 21st, 2009, 11:25 AM
Posts: 43
Let's have a little gut check here. I am asumming the people that purchase CommitCRM are IT professionals. As such, we understand that things change and that roadmap are only Pencil, at best. The problem is that this 'blind progress' makes it dificult for us to plan our own IT needs. For instance, it's hard to address the need to generate nice quotes if we don't if we should evaluate other products or not. I'm sur we wouldn't be happy to spend time solving a problem that you decide to address in the 'next release'
December 21st, 2009, 01:48 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
g2computersolutions, Thank you for this. It makes sense and we can see what you're saying. We do tend to address it as we do want to share as much as possible and be as transparent as possible, while keeping things in order and not promising anything that might be delayed due to other items receive higher priorities. We're running an internal discussion here on how to implement it while still keeping everyone happy - existing users and potential customers (without having potential customers spend money based on feature listed for future releases - ones that may or may not be delayed. Usually we do provide info about the next release, for example, the next one - 5.3 - will include enhance ticket email threading options.
Thanks again for your comments. I hope to have some news on this soon.

December 23rd, 2009, 03:24 PM
Posts: 18
I just looked into TigerPaw after hearing about it on this post. My first reaction is... where the heck are the prices for the software?? There was nothing on the site about pricing, just 10 different ways to input every bit of info about youreself. I can't stand that shady feeling you get from a company that sells a product but wants to collect every bit of information about you first before talking about price.
So the next logical step was to call the sales dept. I get Jake on the phone. He asks me my name and my company name. I give him my name and he says, what company are you with? I said, Jake, I just want to know how much your product costs. I'm just starting the shopping process and would like to not share my information with you at this point as I get enough junk mail.
He actually said, "Well, I don't know why we would share information with you if you don't share information with us."
Really? Really Jake?
My finger couldn't hang up the phone fast enough. I just had a bad feeling about the company.
December 28th, 2009, 09:51 PM
Posts: 1,146
That's how many businesses run these days. I went into a wireless store to ask about their broadband cards, and they wanted me to sign in with my cell phone number so they can txt me when its my turn. The system wouldn't let me do anything without putting in my # so I said real loudly "I'm not giving you my phone # to find out about your product!"
December 29th, 2009, 07:53 AM
Posts: 478
When I was originally looking into CRM software I shot down TigerPaw for the exact same reason. I contacted them to find out pricing and was basically told that their prices were not something they could give me without me providing all of my information and making me go through a sales pitch. I wasn't at that stage and was only seeing what my options were out there.

I'm not going to work with a company that is so afraid to give their prices when someone contacts them. It's bad enough to not post the prices on their website and force people to contact them. But when you contact them and still cannot get their prices that's where I draw the line. I told them that I wasn't going to go any further with them until they gave me prices and they still wouldn't. I'm pretty sure the sales guy that I spoke with and that kept calling for months was also Jake :-)
January 16th, 2010, 08:29 AM
Posts: 63
I've looked closely into TigerPaw and ConectWise. I've actually bought CW, and may return it (it was $15k to do what CommitCRM does for $2k). It has some serious bonuses, but also some things that shock me for being so crude.

TigerPaw was nearly the same price. When you get into the "Big Boy" software, you're looking at 10x the cost fromCommitCRM.

Oh - I had to buy a $14k Dell server to run CW as well. It's a hog. MS SQL 2008 (full), Windows 2008 also required.

I'd seriously give CommitCRM the $15k I've spent on CW if they could give me the features and updates to CommitCRM that I want.

As it is, my dreams of the "one software" to run my business still doesn't exist. It's extremely frustrating, because I had it 10 years ago when I coded my own CRM software. I just don't have the time for that anymore, and I'm running around with fistfulls of cash willing to give it to anyone who can give me what I need today.

It just doesn't exist unfortunately.

The problem will always be focus - The developer's focus is spent trying to please the masses, and each ofus have different needs. Some of us need MS-Project type ability more than others, others want better quoting, others want Inventory. These are all very large wants.

I really like Commit, but I think they should raise their prices, put a few more dev on staff, and pick up the pace. If they could expand their software platform, they would be able to steal CW users (and if you have 10 people on a loaded CW, you're paying $30,000 in licensing, so picking up CW clients would be sweet for Commit) because their platform is efficient, not coded with .NET bulk.
January 16th, 2010, 04:01 PM
Posts: 478

I also think that CommitCRM should consider increasing their prices. If they need to add more to their development team to add the functionality that we are really looking for I hope they do. I'm sure most of us here that beg, plead, and threaten to get the features we need would be will to pay more for it.
January 18th, 2010, 04:33 AM
Easy I.T.
Posts: 36
So any ideas when the next release will be?
January 18th, 2010, 06:18 AM
Maayan Porat
Posts: 1
Hello cforger and ascendnet,

Many thanks for your feedback and the time invested in posting this and sharing your thoughts with us and the community. I believe that you touched some of the challenges we face.

I’d like to take this opportunity and shed some light on our agenda and product related guidelines:
  1. Keep the system simple and easy to use while continually expanding its feature set.

  2. Keep the system easy to install, efficient and have it run well without any special hardware or software requirements.

  3. Keep the price reasonable to allow also small and new IT firms to manage their business with our PSA system.

  4. Listen, listen and listen again to our users and focus our resources to provide answers to their needs.
These are all tough goals to maintain, especially in the long run (it’s very easy to make the system complex, have it consume lots of hw/sw resources, increase the price, etc.).

How are we doing? Based on various business parameters we believe that we’re doing well.

Are there areas we need to improve in? Yes. We constantly work hard to improve, fix and streamline our processes in order to follow our guidelines and provide better tools for our users.

We have big plans for 2010. RangerMSP 5.3 is in sight, and lots of other goodies are also on their way.

Thanks again for providing your feedback.


Maayan Porat
Founder and CEO
January 18th, 2010, 02:50 PM
Posts: 942
Wow! So there's a CEO over there? ;) Good to meet you Mr. Porat. I think you guys are doing a good job. yes, I get at least one frustration every day, but you are on the right track. Thanks for listening!!

By the way, where's the link to the roadmap again? ;)
January 22nd, 2010, 06:10 PM
Posts: 43
"We have big plans for 2010. CommitCRM 5.3 is in sight, and lots of other goodies are also on their way."

Let's take the above statement and start our planning sessions for the year. NOT

What exactly does it mean? I have no idea!

This statement is at the very core of what the complaints are about. How can we, as your clients, make plans concerning our businesses based on the above statement. Do we not our calendar to refelect that CommitCRM is comming out with "other goodies 2.5" in the 3rd quarter? It's a very 'subjective' statement, at best.

What does "Big Plans" mean? What about "Other Goodies"? What does it all mean? Are we to be checking our mail for cookies, a rebate check, or maybe a nice new web interface that functions exactly like the desktop client? I'm just curious since I have no idea what the statement means.

As I've stated before, I think we're all adults here and understand that things change and deadlines/targets are changed or not met. We can deal with that. It's the total sense of the unknown that drives us crazy.

It's like we can speculate on the next release of iPhone, the features of Apple's tablet PC, and a million other things, but when it comes to Commit, we have to wait, and wait, and wait to see what shows up.

Don't get me wrong, I like the product a lot. I just wish the channels of communications were a bit wider and allowed us, as your clients, to feel more connected to the overall direction of a product which serves a major role in our businesses.


January 23rd, 2010, 07:04 PM
Posts: 10
I've been contemplating moving to CCRM for over three years now. I've looked at connectwise, Tiger, Karisoft, and many more. The problem with them is they are so damn expensive, plus the collateral damage (SQL server, MS server, hardware, backup software).
Looking forward to see what CCRM has cooking for the next release, I've decided to not make a purchase until they have some tight integration with either quickbooks estimates, or quoteworks. Until then, I will use MS Access to track my work orders.
January 24th, 2010, 10:17 AM
Posts: 5
I am following this thread with interest and experience of other vendor software i.e. ConnectWise.

As a service provider it is clear that many people using CommitCRM are looking for the magic silver bullet that provides a single solution to all of the business requirements from ticket management through to billing. We have been using Connectwise pretty successfully for 2 years after a migration fromCommitCRM. We are now reversing this decision. The reasons for this are that we have never been able to successfully integrate 3rd party Apps like Quickbooks ( to allow for VAT reporting) and Quote Werks integration made a labourious job more long winded. There are several other reasons for our decision - namely poor support for localised versions of the software.

While Connectwise support was good the v8 release has left us in no doubt that they have released a product before it was ready. We committed serious time and effort in the migration process and I think that we have benefited from our business review process but CommitCRM really ticks most of our boxes.

We have been particularly blown away by the level of support we have received in our review process. I agree with other in this post that there may be room for a higher end product in the say 3-5k region offering features such as:

1. Time sheet management.
2. Improved Email parsing.
3. Better management of projects.
4. More fine grained control of an account status i.e. On Hold alerts.
5. Colour coded tickets in teh ticket screen.
6. Greater reporting flexibilty.
7.An improved web interface.
8. Better MSP integration.

BUT and this is a big BUT the CommitCRM folks have done serious work in 2-2.5 years in answering the needs of service providers.

Continue the good workCommitCRM.
January 24th, 2010, 07:27 PM
Posts: 1,146
I agree that CommitCRM may not be everything we want (what ever is) but for what it does, what you get, and how much it costs, its the best we have seen. There is always room for improvement, but we're happy at the moment. Believe it or not, our two biggest complaints is not being able to remove the powered by CommitCRM advertising on the bottom of all we print out., and the "lite" web interface. We have multiple locations, so we use the web interface 85% of the time. Wish it did more.
January 24th, 2010, 07:39 PM
Posts: 7
nattivillin - Why not use a terminal server to access all features of CommitCRM at your other locations? That is what we do when we are working remotely. Actually, we do that from the field as well with mobile broadband cards.

I have to say that we have been VERY pleased withCommitCRM. Of course there is room for improvement and new features, but we haven't found anything that we have not been able to work around.

FYI - Edit the report and hide the footer ... that will get rid of the advertisement.

January 26th, 2010, 05:31 AM
Posts: 16
"our two biggest complaints is not being able to remove the powered by CommitCRM advertising on the bottom of all we print out"

I haven't tried it lately, but I think CommitCRM will help you remove this if you ask
January 26th, 2010, 05:35 AM
Posts: 16
I have found the CommitCRM team more thorough, helpful and responsive than any other software vendor I have worked with.
February 1st, 2010, 03:32 AM
Easy I.T.
Posts: 36
CommitCRM Team - Any update on when then next release is going to happen? Surely you guys have a schedule and or plan that you can release?

I think we have been more then resonable with our requests for knowing what the future holds with the software?

Not knowing a schedule or what is even going to be included makes it very hard for us. AS stated by others - we run our businesses with this program and rely on it day to day. The are certain features that we all require - some may not be included at the moment - some maybe on the plans for future releases - but at the moment we know NOTHING - with this lack of communication and sharing what lays ahead I will need to start looking at alternatives to achieve what I require in my business. If you were able to let us know what is planned for future releases and an approx release schedule than this will help us a great deal and no looking elsewhere would be required.

So I ask again to please consider sharing your update plans and schedule.

February 1st, 2010, 07:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thanks for this Jeremy,

We currently plan to release the early Beta of RangerMSP 5.3 at the end of this month. It's a challenging due date though...
More detailed information will be provided near the release.

To prevent confusion -
New customers purchasing RangerMSP 5.2 now will be entitled to a Free upgrade to RangerMSP 5.3 once it is officially released.

February 1st, 2010, 07:23 PM
Posts: 1,146
CommitCRM does not work with terminal server right? I know 1 user can use it, but to have everyone using it?

If it did, that would be a lot of additional server terminal licenses for a product (commit) we already paid for to do just that.

I don't mind it on the reports as much as i do the web interface. They removed the powered by CommitCRM is some places, but not all.

I agree - I have found the CommitCRM team more thorough, helpful and responsive than any other software vendor I have worked with.

I second that 3 times over. They may not have the answer you want, but they do have one...haha And they dont spend forever getting back to you. Even over a weekend!
February 2nd, 2010, 08:39 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

Thank you for your comments :-)

Besides, RangerMSP works perfectly under Terminal Services. To enable this you need to be using RangerMSP with SQL Database.

February 18th, 2010, 08:21 AM
Posts: 18
I can't help but wince when ever I see attacks on the CommitCRM team. I have yet to make a decision on a product but continually come back toCommitCRM. The price is the best and the support clearly is amazing.

My biggest hang up, and I've mentioned this in other posts is the Asset tracking. Hardware, Software, and Other are just too broad.
I wish the software tracked: Routers, Modems, Workstations, Servers, Software, Printers/Fax/Scanners and had relevent fields for each Asset type you were recording.
Additionally, I track Vendors FOR my clients and associated Account numbers and username and passwords for their Vendors.

I'm nearly ready to CommitCRM to CommitCRM but am hoping for some committment to more robust Asset tracking.

February 18th, 2010, 01:48 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you ebuhrendorf for your kind words and we hope to serve you as a customer :-)

We take users feedback very seriously. In cases where we constantly receive similar requests from many users we set a higher priority to these requests.

Your suggestions and ideas have all been logged into our system (most have been there already!) and we will probably get to implement some/all of it in a future release. Generally speaking, we DO plan to enhance the Assets module in the future. At this stage and in addition to using the predefined data fields, you'll need to customize the system and add your desired data fields and have them displayed in new tabs you create... however, all tabs will be displayed to all Asset types with the current release, which is not perfect, however, it still provides a way to track your Asset specific info.

Thanks again.

February 20th, 2010, 01:09 AM
Posts: 242
A more robust professional feature rich web interface is the major need for me now especially since i use multiple contractors who aren't permanent staff and don't work in my office. Regardless though even if they were permanent staff in this day and age remote working is major so a web interface that provides the most part of all the functionality of the LAN client would be brilliant.

Heres my other major gripe: the remote desktop limitation. Currently the CommitCRM client will not run on a terminal server unless you move to the SQL version. I can live with this. what annoys me hugely is that i can't even remote desktop into my own work PC and load up the CommitCRM client without getting the "if you want to use CommitCRM on a TS..." message and the client not loading. The sad thing about this is that if i leave CommitCRM logged in and running on my work PC and remote desktop in I can use it. So theres no technical reason whatsoever for the message, it seems to be purely a grab at making some more money from the SQL version. Fixing this arbitrary and inconsistent limitation with running the program on a workstation from a remote desktop session would be hugely appreciated. Or just make the web version heaps better.

My $.02.

February 20th, 2010, 07:13 AM
Posts: 16
I need someone to explain to me the advantage of "CommitCRM web interface" over a service like "LogMeIn"
February 20th, 2010, 01:12 PM
Posts: 242
if you had multiple techs wouldnt they all need their own PC on your LAN each running CommitCRM to use LogMeIn? Last time i looked (a long time ago admittedly) you couldnt use LogMeIn to connect to multiple sessions on one PC (like a terminal server). I have contractors who dont even work in my office.
February 21st, 2010, 01:41 AM
Posts: 942

CommitCRM support said (on another post) that there is a way to make the CommitCRM client work on a local workstation via RDP. You have to email them for details, which I never did because I ended up purchasing the SQL version for better API support and speed - it does speed up reports and loading info, filtering, etc....

February 23rd, 2010, 10:40 AM
Posts: 34

I think CommitCRM web interface and logme in are used for different purposes.
CommitCRM web interface is like OWA where you still have outlook on your PC which helps you to do the ticket and everything as if you are on the PC where CommitCRM client is installed..
Log me in helps you remotely log in to a computer and do stuffs.
February 25th, 2010, 01:30 PM
Posts: 18
I remember the same issue with Remote Desktop and the Terminal Services error. I spoke with Support and they gave me a work around to the issue. I don't remember what it is but they will help you.
March 2nd, 2010, 01:19 AM
Easy I.T.
Posts: 36
CommitCRM Team,

I just wanted to give you some feedback. Without a clear RoadMap of where the product is going and what is in development I have been forced to Bail on CommitCRM - Just not knowing what is on the cards and if the issues we have with the product will be in line for development and or release, has left us with no choice.

I think you need to seriously look at assisting your clients with letting them know what planned enhancements are on the agenda. This way they will know if a feature or issue that is affecting them will be resolved in the near future. If people know that its planned and being worked on then they can live with that. NOT knowing - well I couldnt live with it any longer. You have been receiving this sort of feedback for months and all that your CEO could say about the future was "We have big plans for 2010." WELL WHAT ARE THEY ???

Support has been excellent- and I thank you for the support I have received - If you were to just share your roadmap I think you would have a stronger following (I would probably not of moved to another PSA if I knew what was planned)

I give this feedback as you have a great product and it has great potential. I do not want CommitCRM to suffer from others in the same situation as me leaving.

March 2nd, 2010, 07:35 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

Thank you for the good feedback. We highly appreciate it.

I believe that the content of the coming release, 5.3, has been discussed before. We are dramatically improving the support-by-email options so it'll be easier to see the entire email thread for each ticket, as well as to send email replies to tickets from mobile devices (it'll be sent to RangerMSP Email Connector which will then forward it to all the relevant ticket recipients). In addition, we will be implementing some additional related features and will also fix some bugs. Originally we planned to release a beta for 5.3 by the end of next week. However, as we found some bugs it'll probably be delayed for a few more weeks (we usually release a beta that can be used on real/live systems, therefore, it is only being released when we aren't aware of major bugs).

As for a global roadmap - we plan to release a high level roadmap soon after 5.3 is officially released. This would provide useful information on where we're going.
We invest a lot of resources in the future releases of RangerMSP and we agree that it should be transparent to our users, especially when our users are the ones that guide us and tell us where to go next.

Thanks again Jeremy, and we sure hope to continue servicing you.

April 7th, 2010, 10:01 AM
Posts: 2
Do you have a time frame for the new release yet?
April 7th, 2010, 11:43 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522

Thank you for following up on this.

RangerMSP 5.3 includes some nice changes in the way RangerMSP Email Connector works and a lot of infrastructure changes that will allow us to release much faster in the future.

Unfortunately, we've been facing some unplanned delays with implementing and testing these new features and infrastructure changes. At this time, all looks good and we're working on building and testing the upgrade program itself.

The time frame for the first Beta release is two weeks.

Users who signed to our Beta program will receive a notification once the Beta is ready for download.

Notice: Anyone who purchases RangerMSP 5.2 now, will receive a free upgrade to RangerMSP 5.3 once it is officially released.

April 25th, 2010, 10:39 PM
Posts: 10
Any word on that beta? I've getting very impatient over here.
April 26th, 2010, 06:12 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
RangerMSP 5.3 is already in Beta :-)

This is Beta Release # 1, which is currently closed to a limited number of users.
We plan to increase the number of beta participants with time.

Use this link (link removed) to apply for the Beta. Once approved, and only at the time more Beta spots are opened, we will provide you with the relevant information on how to download and install the beta.

May 3rd, 2010, 02:37 PM
Posts: 35
ok per the previous reply the beta testing should have started mid to late April. I am thinking about buying the upgrade renewal package but I don't see the point if I don't know what is coming in the release.

We really need something for our techs to quote with. Do I need to find yet another product to use? How about the Zenith intergration? Apps for Android devices??
May 4th, 2010, 04:36 AM
Posts: 43
Hey guys, be patient. It's only been since December 8th that this thread started asking about the upgrade. They are working on it as fast as they can. Besides, we're only about half way through 2010.
May 4th, 2010, 07:28 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
RangerMSP 5.3 is in Beta (#1). It mainly includes features discussed in this thread, and a few others (a detailed list will be published together with the official release).

So far the feedback about the new features and options is great.

As with Beta releases, issues are being reported to us. Once we'll become comfortable with the latest build (i.e. when no significant reports are sent to us) we will officially release it.

Beta #2 will be release soon. Once released, we will be accepting more Beta users. Click here (link removed) to apply for the beta (you'll need to upgrade you system to 5.3 are and constantly provide us with your feedback).

Thank you,
May 4th, 2010, 04:19 PM
Posts: 43
So, by the time this is released, it would have been over six months since the thread started and someone asked about the next release?
May 5th, 2010, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
g2computersolutions - I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

True. It has been a while since the 5.2 release. And yes, it took us more time than originally planned to build 5.3.

For what it worth:

We've released 5.0 a year ago.
Then 5.1
Then 5.2
and now the coming 5.3.

Each release includes plenty of new options and features.

We're talking about 4 new releases within the last 12 months. I believe that it is not that bad at all (to say the least).

In any case, we plan to release much more often during 2010. Stay tuned!

** RangerMSP Team Update **

RangerMSP version 5.3 has already been released, and followed RangerMSP 5.4 which was released soon after on July 2010.

More versions are on the way :-)

See more details here.


May 12th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Posts: 942
I just want to contribute to this thread and confirm that the Beta is going well.

The alerting looks like it will definitely be a big help for communication with clients, and, overall, I am happy with the direction CommitCRM is taking the project. I still believe, as I always have, that CommitCRM is the right platform for me to run my business on. I lose faith sometimes too, but overall, we've got a great product, great support, at a great price.

I evaluated TigerPaw late last year... Are you kidding? What a mammoth. It does WAY more (most of which I would never use anyway) at 10 times the price. And it DOESN'T do a some of the stuff CommitCRM can do.

I think we all have to admit that when stacked up against the alternatives, CommitCRM still wins. Yes, there's some bigger, better systems, but dollar for dollar, CommitCRM comes with a pretty sweet feature set.

Commit, the frustration is that in the last year, yes there have been several releases, but as far as real business value, we haven't seen any real good additions (until this beta). I don't remember what 5.1 and 5.2 was, but I think 5.0 was pretty good.

Overall, keep up the great work. I think a lot of this frustration could be fixed with a development roadmap. If we know what's coming, and what bugs/features are being added/fixed, it adjusts our expectations accordingly.

May 13th, 2010, 04:24 AM
Posts: 43
Luke, I think you summed it up pretty well. We have to communicate as partners in this and it helps a lot it we know what direction were going in.
June 28th, 2010, 10:49 PM
Posts: 8
I never had the cashflow or performance reasons to justify the upgrade to the SQL server version ofCommitCRM. However I used it for almost two years, remotely via RDP and Telstra NextG Broadband. As my final backup I used the Technician web interface.

The procedure is simple.

It isn't ideal, and isn't robust, but it works, and for Technicians with limited cash flow, it is good as an interim solution. I don't recommend it except in circumstances like mine.

Incidentally, if I hadn't tested and confirmed this technique worked on the CommitCRM CRM trial, I wouldn't have bought the full version. Remote access was that important to me.

You first configure a spare PC instance (VM works fine) to boot without any passwords, on the web. Make sure your router can port forward to it, and disable any firewalls till you get it all working.

You configure this desktop to autoload the CommitCRM application, delayed after startup. I used to use Autoruns.exe on XP for this, but there are better programs for vista/win7 today.

So, when you are onsite, you just connect to this desktop. CommitCRM is loaded, asking for your login details. You just enter in the username & password and your in, working remotely.

If something goes wrong, you just restart the remote PC instance, and try again a minute later.

I used it almost every day. Because I have backups for my backups, I also had ultraVNC running on that same PC instance, and could connect via a web browswer with a non-standard port. This also saved my butt more than a few times, when firewalls prevented me from getting into CommitCRM via RDP for things the web interface was not efficient for.

On the other topics- my concern with CommitCRM is 'number of clicks'. I have worked out that to do most tasks takes me far too many clicks. I use MYOB to invoice, so I print PDF reports of charges & ticket from commit, save them in a carefully named directory, print pdf invoice from MYOB (yes I have to double-enter) save this in the same directory, then I combine the files with Adobe or similar, then drag the result into my email program, type in a note, then send. Of course, then I have to go back to commit, make all charges billed, make the ticket completed, finish the filing, mark it as invoiced in myob.

A single invoice takes hundreds of clicks, and about 20 minutes. Lucky I am patient.

Hopefully, within the next year or so this is all reduced to three clicks, otherwise I will be going towards a web2.0 like a SAASU solution and making do without the brilliant history trail that CommitCRM provides when managing accounts & complex tickets.

Xenek Stoehr
Endless Technology Pty Ltd
July 1st, 2010, 02:32 PM
Posts: 242
CommitCRM has Quickbooks integration which gives you an invoice in Quickbooks with the charge details with a couple of clicks. I use this to generate a quickbooks invoice, print the invoice to PDF, then hit the email button in CommitCRM to email the entire job sheet to my client and attach the invoice. Works well. MYOB is only really used in Australia so I dont like your chances of getting any integration. You could pay someone to develop an API for you though, MYOB allows extensive interaction through ODBC. not ideal though.

re the remote, i contacted CommitCRM about being able to load the client when RDP'd into my own work machine (to update tickets when out of the office) and they quickly sent me a file which enabled this.


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