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July 29th, 2011, 07:44 AM
Posts: 48
I am wondering if any has any recommendations for software that helps me to schedule my recurring maintenance appointments. I need somthing that allows me to input all my employees and when they are available as well as input all my clients along with all of their restrictions for availability. Then schedule recurring appointments based on my input.


Employee 1, availa 9-5 M, T & W
Employee 2, avail 9-1 Monday's only

Client 1, Must schedule appt every 3 weeks, NO Mondays, Before 1pm Only
Client 2, Must schedule every 6 weeks, anytime available.

Then give give me optioins/dates that fit this criteria for both employees and clients.

There has to be something like this. Cost should be moderate, of course free would be awesome!

Thank you in advance.
September 4th, 2011, 03:59 PM
Arcadia Computer, Inc.
Posts: 13
I need that too!

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